• Hey there

    I have a buddy who had been working under DBA role (Development & Production) for past 5 years. He just got an opportunity in one of largest security domain mnc under a new role a QA DBA.

    We had been discussing quite a while, what would this have as part of his work. I thought I will look for some opinion here!

    Can somebody out there tell me what could be the work involved under this role and how badly would it effect the existing "DBA" role?

    Thanks in advance!



  • I've never had a QA DBA, but I suspect it would be someone to apply the T-SQL (DDL and DML ) changes to QA and then production. Examine the code, ensure it conforms to your standards, etc.

    I wouldn't expect them to rewrite, maybe suggest and send it back to the original DBA.

    Might check out the editorial on code quality from today along with the comments as well.

  • My guess is that they would be responsible for ensuring everything was standard. Double check code, security settings, etc. and maybe re-write code to meet the standards.

    Didn't your friend ASK them what it entailed?


  • It may be DBA for the QA environment. Very important in the regulated enterprises.  Skills that you develop on this job can be valuable.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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