Interactive sorting

  • Is there anyway to sort in SSRS by reportitems.textbox.value?

    I have a report that a textbox does not appear in the dropdown for interactive sorting that has the following formula in it =(ReportItems!YTLP.value + ReportItems!TSA.value) / ReportItems!YT.value

    I would like to be able to sort this from largest to smallest value but I can not see any way of doing this



  • hi Chris


    there's "fx" button next to the dropdown - you can try to specify your formula there

  • Hi Andrey

    I get the following error when I try that

    A sort expression for text box ‘Textbox26’ refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in sort expressions.

  • another option is to add calculated field to the appropriate dataset

    however, it's not clear what are YTLP , TSA and YT items? how do they get values?

  • YTLP gets it total from =code.SumLookup(LookupSet(Fields!Fee_Ref.Value,Fields!Fee_Ref.Value,Fields!Split_Amount.Value, "Billing"))

    TSA =Sum(Fields!Total_Split_Amount.Value)

    YT  =Fields!Current_Annual_Budget___Billed_Time.Value

    I did try and put this in a calculated field which was my first option but I kept getting errors, which I assumed that calculated fields couldn't use the =code.


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