inserting multiple records with one sql statement?

  • is it possible?

    i have a form where the user enters several values one per line into a textarea.  then i would like to insert a record for each of those items into a db table.

    i know i can loop through the values in the textarea and do an insert for each one but that seems like a lot of unnecessary database hits.

    so i am wondering if there is a way to insert all the records with one statement.

  • Depends,

    Look at this

    If you would like more help on this specific example,

    Please post Table Structures, and Test data.


  • insert into mytable (col1, col2, col3)

    select @var11, @var12, @var13

    union all

    select @var21, @var22, @var23

    union all

    select @var31, @var32, @var33



  • ok so my table consists of 3 fields:

    ID - autonumber, PK

    ProdID - int, FK

    MyValue - varchar 100

    i am using ColdFusion to work with this table so if i had 3 values for MyValue that i wanted to insert into 3 new records, is the following correct?

    insert into mytable (ProdID, MyValue)

    select #url.prodID, #form.value1#

    union all

    select #url.prodID, #form.value2#

    union all

    select #url.prodID, #form.value3#

    is that how it works?

  • if you are constructing a string based on your #url.prodID, #form.value1#

    variables then sending that string to the server at once then it looks fine (but don't forget the correct apostophes around the variables while you are constructing your insert statement especially when you are inserting string values.

    At the end the constructed insert statement should look like:

    insert into mytable (ProdID, MyValue)

    select 15, 'MyValue1'

    union all

    select 2545, 'MyValue2'

    union all

    select 54455, 'MyValue3'


  • ok so it is sort of working:

    my generated query looks like this:

    Insert Into option1values(ProdID, myValue)

    select 10, 'Red'

    union all

    select 10, 'Green'

    union all

    select 10, 'Blue'

    union all

    select 10, 'Orange'

    union all

    select 10, 'Purple'

    and for some reason when i look into my database (its actually a mysql database)  the values entered are only the first 3 characters of each color:






    The interesting thing is that if i put a different value for the first color, the first value from the list is entered into the database in its entirety.  for instance if the first color in the list was aqua, the entry in the database woudl be aqua, but all other values in the list (after the first one) are only the first 3 characters.

  • If the data type was char(3) that would make sense...but not if you say that the first entry is stored correctly...

    maybe your text fields have a max length set on them ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • well i am using a textarea to collect the list values (one item per line) so there is no maxlength attribute for the a textarea.

    and the datatype is definitely varchar(30) - does it need to be char(30) instead?

  • varchar(30) is fine...did you test it by inserting the actual strings - 'aqua', 'blue' etc..or was it a variable ?! the prodID the same for all rows ?

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • yeah prodID is the same for all rows.  the values being used are variables but i am able to view the actual SQL query beign generated and it is exactly as i pasted above.  but i will try it with the actual values and see what happens.

  • ok so i tried insertign the explicit values and it worked fine - so it must be a problem with the variables.  i just cant understand what.

  • ok so here's another interesting development - all the values entered into the database are the same length at the first value.

    so for instance i entered the following values:




    Extra Large

    the values entered into the db table were:





    all 5 characters - same as the length of the first value, large.

  • could you pl. post the snippet of code that generates the SQL - incl. variable declaration ?!

    Also, how are you parsing your string ? - the length must be getting set in the beginning somewhere...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • here is my code:

    <cfset listcount = 0>

       <CFQUERY datasource="DWS_product_catalog">

        Insert Into option1values(ProdID, myValue)

        <cfloop list="#form.option1values#" index="currentValue" delimiters="#chr(13)#">

       <cfset #variables.listcount# = #variables.listcount# + 1>

       select #url.prodID#, '#Left(Ltrim(currentvalue),30)#'

       <CFIF #variables.listcount# LT #listlen(form.option1values, chr(13))#>

         union all




    #form.option1values# is the list submitted from the textarea on the submitting form.

    and wheni say #Left(Ltrim(currentvalue),30)#

    the Left function cuts off the string at 30 characters.

    but the values from the list all have a leading space (except the first value) so the Ltrim function trims off the leading spaces.

    I tried doing this without those functions and got the same truncated result.

    any ideas?

  • sorry - don't know any cold fusion...

    what does "#listlen(form.option1values, chr(13))#" do ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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