How to send an email from SQL database

  • Hi,

    I have this big dilemma and I am not sure where to start from, so any help will be appreciated:

    I have a form on the web that is connected to an SQL server database running on MS server 2003.

    I need to get that form filled back to an email, so that it can be printed and signed. To do this I have a million questions:

    1 - I need to set up something that will allow me to send mail (ASP mail?). I've read that SQL mail is not the best choice and since I have not done anything yet, I am open to the easy or more efficient way. I will need somewhat specific instruction, as I am the newest of the newbies...

    2 - Then I will need to tell the database to get that info that it has just received ans immediately send it to an address I specify, but it has to be sent on html format. How do I do this?

    3 - I also need the SQL statement that tells the database that a new record has arrived, put it in a new form, send the form...

    Am I trying to run before I can walk? I think so. But I am also pretty good at putting pieces together, so with the right directions and some codes hopefully I could do it.

    Thank you so much in advance,


  • Will this work?

      You might also want to check out and see if there is anything on there you can use.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • Store the information from the form into a table in the database.

    Create a stored procedure to format the data required in the body of the email into a string with appropriate HTML tags. Then use xp_smtp_sendmail ( to send the email.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Elise

    You may want to research triggers in the SQL BOL. Also, here's another link that may or may not be helpful:

    I'm not sure what the performance will be like but I wish you the best of luck. Please post your findings and results when you get things working. I'd be interested in the most efficient way to accomplish this.



  • Thank you all for the suggestions.

    I am still evaluating which way is best for me to go.

    I will continue this thread, though, so maybe it can help the next person...

    Can I see an example of a stored procedure to format the body of the email?

    Thank you.


  • As an example of whats possible, I use this following function to email me reports about failure messages from my maintenance routines. At the end of the maintenance, if an error is found it calls a stored procedure to send out an email. This stored procedure calls this function to build the body of the message which contains the error message in a html table.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_Maint_MsgBody (
     @intMaintGroup int
     , @dteStart datetime
     , @dteFinish datetime
    RETURNS varchar(8000)
     DECLARE @MinID Int
     DECLARE @tblMsg TABLE ( ID int IDENTITY(1,1), msg varchar(250) )
     DECLARE @rtn varchar(8000)
     SET @rtn = ''
     INSERT INTO @tblMsg ( msg )
      '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Maintenance Errors</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H4>'
      + 'Errors from maintenance group ' + CAST(@intMaintGroup as varchar(10)) 
      + ' run at ' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @dteStart, 113)
      + '</H4><HR><P><P><TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Process</TH>'
      + '<TH ALIGN=LEFT>ErrCode</TH><TH ALIGN=LEFT>Message</TH></TR>'
      '<TR><TD><TT>' + [Process] + '</TT></TD><TD><TT>' + [ErrCode] 
      + '</TT></TD><TD><TT>' + [Message] + '</TT></TD></TR>'
     FROM [DBA].[dbo].[tblMessageLog] 
     WHERE MsgDate BETWEEN @dteStart AND @dteFinish 
     AND Process LIKE 'usp_Maint%' 
     AND ErrCode <> ''
     SELECT @MinID = MIN([ID]) FROM @tblMsg
      SELECT @rtn = @rtn + [msg]
      FROM @tblMsg WHERE [ID] = @MinID
      SELECT @MinID = MIN([ID]) FROM @tblMsg
      WHERE [ID] > @MinID
     RETURN @rtn

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hi Phil,

    I have installed the DTS SMTP Mail task.exe but getting the error message:

    "The procedure entry point GetAddrInfoW could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dll"

    I have admin rights on the sql 2000 server but not a professional DBA.

    How can I correct the error?


  • Sounds like the infamous DLL versioning problem. The DTS SMTP Mail task is expecting a procedure to exist in the DLL but it doesn't.

    Haven't played with that custom task myself, I just use the extended stored procedure xp_smtp_sendmail.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I'm in the same boat.  I've installed DTS SMTP Mail Task on my XP box running MSDE 2000A and it worked fine.  I then installed it on a Windows 2000 AS (SP4) running SQL 2000 (SP3a) and I received the same error.

    If I try manually registering the DLL I receive the following error message:  LoadLibrary("smtptask.dll") failed. - The specified procedure could not be found.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • I have an email into  Once I have their reply, I will post it.

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