What system table houses Keys and Identities definitions

  • What system table houses Keys and Identities definitions?

    Does someone have sample SQL to derive these object definitions?



  • sysindexes and sysindexkeys for the keys. and for IDENTITIES you might have luck with IDENT_CURRENT, IDENT_INCR and IDENT_SEED. Along with maybe OBJECTPROPERTY, COLUMNPROPERTY and INDEXKEY_PROPERTY

    Maybe this will get you going:


     CAST(SO.[name] AS CHAR(20)) AS TableName

     , CAST(SI.[name] AS CHAR(30)) AS IndexName

     , CAST(SC.[name] AS CHAR(15)) AS ColName

     , CAST(ST.[name] AS CHAR(10)) AS TypeVal

     , CASE

      WHEN (SI.status & 16)<>0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No'

     END AS ClusteredIndex








      SIK.[id] = SI.[id]


      SIK.indid = SI.indid






        SC.xtype = ST.xtype


        SIK.[id] = SC.[id]


        SIK.colid = SC.colid


        SO.[id] = SI.[id]


     SO.xtype = 'u'


     SI.indid > 0


     SI.indid < 255


     (SI.status & 64)=0



     , IndexName

     , SIK.keyno


         CAST(OBJECT_NAME(sysidxkeys.id) AS CHAR(20)) AS Tabelle

         , CAST(sysidx.name AS CHAR(20)) AS [Index]

         , CAST(syscol.name AS CHAR(20)) AS Spalte

         , sysidxkeys.keyno AS Index_Nr

         , CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(sysidxkeys.id, sysidxkeys.indid, sysidxkeys.keyno, 'IsDescending')

              WHEN 1

                   THEN 'DESC'

              ELSE 'ASC'

         END AS Sortierreihenfolge


         sysindexkeys sysidxkeys


         sysindexes sysidx


         sysidxkeys.id = sysidx.id


         sysidxkeys.indid = sysidx.indid

         INNER JOIN

              syscolumns syscol


              sysidxkeys.id = syscol.id

         AND INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(sysidxkeys.id, sysidxkeys.indid, sysidxkeys.keyno, 'ColumnID') = syscol.colid

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Do you mean 'keys' as in 'declared primary keys'..?

    If so, perhaps it's better to not bother about which tables are involved, just let sp_helpconstraint suffice. (look inside sp_helpconstraint and you'll know what I mean)


  • Frank, How are you?

    I think the Identities definitions is kept in syscolumns table in user database with status = 0x80.

    sp_help yourtable name will show all information you need.


  • Maybe I've overshoot the mark here.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Allen, I'm fine. And you?

    Yes, you're right. 0x80 identifies an IDENTITY column.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Thanks for the infor so far -- I have 2 queries attached here.  My goal:  Using a source SQL 2K DB as input, generate a SQL script containing DDL for a a target DB creation.

    The 1st statement avails 99% of my source table schema info.  The 2nd statement identifies tables w/ Identity columns.  It does 99% for what I need on step #1 (CREATE table).  What would you suggest I add to have a "As IsIdentity" column? That would be the most ideal.


     objs.[ID] AS TableObjectID,

     objs.[name] AS TableName,

     cols.[name] AS FieldName,

     cols.[length] AS FieldLength,

     cols.[prec] AS Prec,

     cols.[scale] AS Scale,

     cols.[isnullable] As FieldNullable,

     cols.[collation] As FieldCollation,

     types.[name] AS TypeName

    FROM syscolumns as cols

     INNER JOIN systypes types ON types.xtype=cols.xtype

     INNER JOIN sysobjects objs ON objs.id=cols.ID

    WHERE (objs.xtype='U' OR objs.xtype='V') AND types.[name]<>'sysname'

    ORDER BY objs.[ID], cols.[colorder]

    select sysobjects.name as 'Table Name', syscolumns.NAME AS 'Identiy Column Name'

     from   syscolumns, sysobjects

      where  syscolumns.ID = sysobjects.ID

           and sysobjects.name in (select name

        from   sysobjects where  xtype = 'U' )

    and  syscolumns.AUTOVAL IS NOT NULL

     order by 2


  • You are aware that the next version might turn the system tables upside down? I would see if you can't utilize the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views for most of this stuff.

    I'm not sure about what you're after. Are you trying to reinvent the wheel? Can't you simply script the db and run this via OSQL?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Frank - my sentiments exactly! (regarding the reinventing of the wheel) -- We have a "chief" architect insisting that we generate an .MSI install script -- to do so, he needs to dynamically render the DB objects (rather than using SQL-DMO)

    He's coding C# to accomodate this and has solicited this info from yours truly (the friendly DBA!)



  • Ouch! Sorry to hear that.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I think you should let MSSQL2K generate the create database scripts for you.  If you try to do it yourself you might miss something important.  Its possible to do what the internal tools do, but its to risky.  And the system tables shouldent be relied upon, they can and will change, the Information schema is designed to take care of this change.


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