Help in Optimizing a query

  • Hi

    SELECT adi.*

    FROM dbo.wrkAccountingDocument  ad 

      JOIN dbo.AccountingDocumentItem adi 

            ON ad.AccountingDocumentNbr  = adi.AccountingDocumentNbr

      AND ad.FiscalYearNbr     = adi.FiscalYearNbr

      AND ad.MSGLCompanyCode   = adi.MSGLCompanyCode 

    The above query is taking 3 hrs to run to fetch 1781130 rows


    AccountingDocumentitem table has a clustered index on AccountingDocumentNbr, AccountingDocumentItemNbr, MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr

     and a non clustered index on AccountingDocumentNbr,  MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr

    when I looked at the execute plan for this query 81% of the cost was because of Clustered index scan on AccountingDocumentitem

    Can someone tell me what should I look for to optimize this query






  • What is dbo.wrkAccountingDocument  a VIEW? TABLE? is there an INDEX on ad.AccountingDocumentNbr ?

    The NON-CLUSTERED index also may be causing problems because the 1st column is the same 1st column as the CLUSTERED index.

    You have no INDEX on FiscalYearNbr so....  The query has no choice but to perform a TABLE SCAN on the CLUSTERED INDEX to find the data you want.

    Try adding an INDEX to the FiscalYearNbr  OR re-arrange the CLUSTERED INDEX to have that as the 2nd column as see if performance changes

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Does wrkAccountingDocument have any indexes.

    Also, can you post the DDL of the table (CREATE statement) so I can see the structure and let me know which columns if any are unique.

    As is I would look at making at least this change.

    Clustered Index to AccountingDocumentNbr, MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr

    Non-Clustered Index to AccountingDocumentItemNbr

    The reason is that every non-clustered index inherits the data from the clustered index as well. The wider you make your clustered index the wider the others will be.

    It is best to keep the Clustered index as narrow as possible and create the other indexes based aroudn the use of those columns as well if your scenario will apply.

    Based on your current index strucutre it look like that it does and the changes I suggest should show an improvement possibly but may not fully.

    In fact if you afterwards you were to do

    SELECT AccountingDocumentNbr, MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr FROM dbo.AccountingDocumentItem WHERE AccountingDocumentItemNbr = 12

    it would actually use the data from the index itself and not look to the table (this is called a COVERING INDEX).

    Now to further enhance your performance you have to keep in mind the wider the data the more time it will take to traverse the network if you are using a remote database, but you will impact your computers memory as well and may find your page file goes nuts once you outclass the physical RAM. Now depending on your machine the IO of the hard drive, the cpu, the ram and if remote the nic will have a big impact on the time it takes to display the data.

    Instead of using SELECT adi.* FROM, only call the columns you actually need to work with. This may make no difference for your case or may make a huge difference but it is something you need to keep in mind when working with the data.

  • yes the wrkaccountingdocument has following non clustered indexes

    Idx1  on columns  (AccountingDocumentNbr, AccountingDocumentTypeCode, MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr, PostingDate)

    idx2   on columns  (AccountingDocumentNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode)

    idx3 on columns (InterfaceReferenceKeyId, InterfaceReferenceCode, AccountingDocumentNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode)


    please find the create table statement

    CREATE TABLE [AccountingDocumentItem] (

     [MSGLCompanyCode] [char] (4)  NOT NULL ,

     [AccountingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NOT NULL ,

     [FiscalYearNbr] [decimal](4, 0) NOT NULL ,

     [AccountingDocumentItemNbr] [decimal](3, 0) NOT NULL ,

     [ClearingDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [ClearingEntryDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [ClearingAccountingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [PostingKeyCode] [char] (2)  NULL ,

     [AccountTypeCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [SpecialGLAccountSelectionCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [DebitCreditCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [TaxCode] [char] (2)  NULL ,

     [LocalCurrencyAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [DocumentCurrencyAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [LocalCurrencyOrigReductionAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [GLUpdatedAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [TransactionCurrencyCode] [char] (3)  NULL ,

     [TaxTypeCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [AllocationNbr] [varchar] (18)  NULL ,

     [LineItemText] [varchar] (50)  NULL ,

     [AccountingTransactionTypeCode] [char] (3)  NULL ,

     [GLTransactionTypeCode] [varchar] (4)  NULL ,

     [CostCenterCode] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [InternalOrderNbr] [char] (12)  NULL ,

     [BillingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [SalesDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [SalesDocumentItemNbr] [decimal](6, 0) NULL ,

     [ScheduleItemNbr] [decimal](4, 0) NULL ,

     [MSAccount2Code] [char] (10)  NULL ,

     [CustomerNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [VendorNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [DueDateCalculationBaselineDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [PaymentTermsCode] [varchar] (4)  NULL ,

     [CashDiscountDaysQty] [decimal](3, 0) NULL ,

     [NetPaymentTermDayQty] [decimal](3, 0) NULL ,

     [CashDiscountPct] [decimal](5, 3) NULL ,

     [DocCurrencyCashDiscountAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [DocCurrencyEligibleDiscountAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [PaymentMethodCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [NetPaymentAmt] [money] NULL ,

     [ProfitCenterCode] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [ClearingReversedInd] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [InvoiceAccountingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [InvoiceFiscalYearNbr] [decimal](4, 0) NULL ,

     [InvoiceAccountingDocItemNbr] [decimal](3, 0) NULL ,

     [MaterialNbr] [varchar] (18)  NULL ,

     [PlantCode] [varchar] (4)  NULL ,

     [MaterialQty] [decimal](13, 3) NULL ,

     [PricingUnitQty] [decimal](5, 0) NULL ,

     [ValuationAreaCode] [varchar] (4)  NULL ,

     [ValuationTypeCode] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [dwDeletedInd] [char] (1)  NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Accountin__dwDel__698C7BFE] DEFAULT ('N'),

     [dwDeletedDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [dwInsertDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Accountin__dwIns__6A80A037] DEFAULT (getdate()),

     [dwLastModifiedDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Accountin__dwLas__6B74C470] DEFAULT (getdate()),

     [ssInsertDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Accountin__ssIns__6C68E8A9] DEFAULT (getdate()),

     [ValueDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [TradingPartnerCode] [varchar] (6)  NULL ,







    &nbsp WITH  FILLFACTOR = 90



    CREATE TABLE [wrkAccountingDocument] (

     [AccountingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NOT NULL ,

     [FiscalYearNbr] [decimal](4, 0) NOT NULL ,

     [MSGLCompanyCode] [char] (4)  NOT NULL ,

     [AccountingDocumentTypeCode] [char] (2)  NULL ,

     [AccountingDocumentDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [PostingDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [FiscalPeriodNbr] [decimal](2, 0) NULL ,

     [ReversingAccountingDocumentNbr] [varchar] (10)  NULL ,

     [ReversingDocumentFiscalYearNbr] [decimal](4, 0) NULL ,

     [CurrencyCode] [varchar] (3)  NULL ,

     [ExchangeRateAmt] [decimal](9, 5) NULL ,

     [AccountingDocumentStatusCode] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [InterfaceReferenceCode] [varchar] (5)  NULL ,

     [InterfaceReferenceKeyId] [varchar] (20)  NULL ,

     [LocalCurrencyCode] [varchar] (3)  NULL ,

     [FlaggedForReversalInd] [char] (1)  NULL ,

     [CreatedDtTm] [datetime] NULL ,

     [CreatedByUserName] [varchar] (12)  NULL




    other indexes on AccountingDocumentitem

    idxa - BillingDocumentNbr, MSAccount2Code

    idxb- AccountingDocumentNbr, AccountingDocumentItemNbr, MSGLCompanyCode, FiscalYearNbr

    idxc - ClearingAccountingDocumentNbr

    idxd - CustomerNbr, AccountingDocumentNbr, AccountingDocumentItemNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode

    idxe - AccountingDocumentNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode

    p.S: I was too lazy to list down all the columns in select statement mentioned adi.*

    actually in my query I have all those columns named


    Appreciate your help




  • Based on what I see this might help.

    Consider change the indexes on AccountingDocumentitem to

    Clustered Index

      AccountingDocumentNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode

    Non-Clustered Indexes

    1) BillingDocumentNbr, MSAccount2Code

    2) ClearingAccountingDocumentNbr

    3) CustomerNbr

    4) AccountingDocumentItemNbr

    Remember your clustered index is effectively included in every non-clustered index so there is no need to repeat the columns.

    Next you should make the most unique column the first one in the index when it is a composite index.

    On wrkAccountingDocument  consider these indexes

    Non-Clustered Indexes

    1) AccountingDocumentNbr, FiscalYearNbr, MSGLCompanyCode

    2) AccountingDocumentTypeCode, PostingDate

    3) InterfaceReferenceKeyId, InterfaceReferenceCode

    Again same rules for composite indecies, put the most unique first.

    Then as a follow-up read about Index Intersection and it will explain where I am thinking this should go.

  • Thanks your suggestions helped in optimizing many other queries





  • Meghana, How much of an inprovement did you see after making the changes?



  • I would be curious as well.

  • It came down to 12 minutes for the query i took example of

    Actually this code was written way back in year 98. I am actually asked to tune the queries.

    Can you let me know of some sites I can read about how to fine tune the queries

    Appreciate all the help







  • Just FYI the index changes may have had some impact but that much seems like it was possible more of a maintance issue. The problem is you just never know fo sure.


    This site has several articles.

    an google for the enough espeically using to dig around.

    At this point thou you will want to look at your execution plans of your queries to see what the engine is doing.

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