Using an ACCESS application against sql server

  • HI. I have a developer who has written an application in MS ACCESS. The application was originally written against an ACCESS database and  now the developer is ready to move the data to sql server. I imported the access database to sql server and now his application is having trouble with queries because of the DBO in the sql server table name. I am not familiar with ACCESS at all and the developer wants to know if there is any way in sql that i can remove the DBO from the table name. I don't know how this could be done. the DBO is the owner and is part of the table name.

    Any suggestions?


  • You don't have to use dbo in the queries (although it's probably not best practice) as long as the database is owned by dbo.  Is your SQL Server database owned by dbo?

    DBA with an attitude

  • Yes, the owner is DBO. Are you saying that the access application would need to be modified?



  • Which version of ms access is your developer using ?

    As far as I remember you can change settings in the access front end so that the code can be transparent to that.

    As a test make the user login part of the db_owner role in the db an let the developer try!

    * Noel

  • access 2000. i will add the user to the db owner role.

  • How did you move the table to sql server. Use a wizard? Are you now linking tables from sql into access? Do the tables show up in access now as dbo_tablename?

  • I used the DTS wizard to do the import. Yes i did link the sql tables into the access database and yes the tables do show up as dbo_tablename



  • Might be over simplifying here but might as well check before you go to far. Can you just rename all the tables in access so they no longer have dbo at the start? The queries in access will be like this: select whatever from anytable but the name it looks at is the linked name which is dbo_anytable. So removing the dbo_ would be the easiest way to make the queries work.

  • Juanita,

    My advice was based on access ADP projects not on ACCESS linked tables!

    For linked tables you just have to rename the link as suggested by Logan above (which you can't on ADP)



    * Noel

  • Hi

    I did the saame exercise some years back , maybe a bit simplistic but create an ODBC link to the SQL server as normal, File - Link Tables to link all SQL tabels to Access front end the write a small module to trim 4 CHar off front of each table name ie to remove 'dbo_' or simply rename them and then they will behave just as you previous table names did before.

    The additional pitfalls were when using the import wizard , some dates were trimmed to short date fromat and hence lost accuracy , you can over come this by checking each table transformation and reselecting DateTime if not correct.

    Also Access allows you to use certain SQL keywords without error which cause chaos if you don't square bracket them. eg Value , Values Stats etc


    Once you are over that it should be plain sailing , I have been running a commercial system for over 2 years with Access 97 front and SQL Server 2000 back with virtually no problems once these were resolved

    Any other porblems please shout , I must have already seem 'em !!


  • Hi,

    I pretty new to SQL myself but I found a code snippet  (maybe on this site) that helped alot and will solve your problem.

    Sub RemoveDBO()

        Dim tbl As TableDef

        For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs

            If Len(tbl.Connect) > 0 Then

                tbl.Name = Replace(tbl.Name, "dbo_", "")

            End If


        Set tbl = Nothing   

    End Sub

    Use DTS to import files

    then run this code and it will remove the DBO

    It is important to specify a Key field in each table - problems otherwise

    Once I realised the above I am/was on my way




  • We have many access applications with a SQL back end.  We Utilize a local access table to store the connection information and visual basic for applications code to link the tables.  Yes we still use DAO


    The code looks like:

    Private Sub cmdRelink_Click()

    Dim db As Database

    Dim rsRelink As Recordset

    Dim tdfNew As TableDef

    Dim strConnect As String

    DoCmd.Hourglass True

    Set db = CurrentDb

    Set rsRelink = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblLinkedTables.localTblName, tblLinkedTables.Server, " & _

    "tblLinkedTables.Database, tblLinkedTables.ServerTblName, tblLinkedTables.KeyFieldNbr " & _

    "FROM tblLinkedTables;", dbOpenSnapshot)

    'Drop the tables

    On Error Resume Next

    Do Until rsRelink.EOF

    DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, rsRelink!localTblName




    On Error GoTo 0



    'Create the table

    Do Until rsRelink.EOF

    strConnect = _

        "ODBC;Driver=SQL Server;" & _

        "SERVER=" & rsRelink!Server & ";" & _

        "DATABASE=" & rsRelink!Database & ";" & _


    Set tdfNew = db.CreateTableDef(rsRelink!localTblName)


    tdfNew.Connect = strConnect

    tdfNew.SourceTableName = rsRelink!ServerTblName

    db.TableDefs.Append tdfNew




    Set tdfNew = Nothing

    Set db = Nothing

    DoCmd.Hourglass False

    End Sub

    The table tblLinkedtable looks like


    hope that helps.


  • One problem with linked tables rather than a Project file is performance. We see a markable improvement with performance if we use a Project DB. One example is a query that takes 10 minutes using a linked table, but only about 10 seconds using Project. It was well worth it to us to convert all of our queries to run in project.

    One warning I have is that if you want to use Project, you actually need to re-write all of your queries to use the SQL Server dialect of SQL commands. IE: single quotes rather than double quotes around strings, CASE rather than IIF, etc.



    Michael Lee

  • Thank you everybody.. I'm going to try these different options !!!


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