Stored Procedure header/comments

  • Just was wondering if someone has a favorite format for a descriptive and useful header for stored procedures so that other people could clearly see what modifications you have made, where, and why.

    Likes to play Chess

  • The where and what I'd get some version control. If you're not using this, you're hoping developers don't make mistakes, which is not likely as we're all human.

    I tend to use

    Procedure Description: This is what this process accomplishes. As I get new requirements, I'd alter this.

    20180722 jsj   This is a change I made because Jira 001
    20180801 brb  The proc had a bug with NULL, so added a COASLESCE
    20180820 brb  Found  a bug referenced in JIRA 002. Added padding to the result

    What I hope is that developers think about their change and add a quick date/description of why they changed something. Diff tools should find what/where.

  • I like to have the audit trail comments in the script in source control that aren't included in the stored procedure when it's put on the database.
    At the top of the body I like to see a sample call of the stored procedure, this can be viewed by looking at the stored procedure on the database. So my scripts look something like this:
    -- * Script   : PROCEDURE dbo.INFAddOrganisationOrganisationType
    -- *
    -- * Purpose   : Maintain data on OrganisationOrganisationType
    -- *
    -- * History :
    -- * Ver Date   Author    Description
    -- * --- ---------- ------------  ---------------------------------
    -- * 1 24/03/2016 S Smith   New stored procedure
    -- * 2 20/04/2016 S Smith   Add Financial Period
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.INFAddOrganisationOrganisationType','P') IS NULL BEGIN
      EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.INFAddOrganisationOrganisationType AS')
    -- *************************************************************************
    -- Sample Call:
    --    EXEC INFAddOrganisationOrganisationType 'abc', 'MANUFACT'
    -- *************************************************************************
    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.INFAddOrganisationOrganisationType
      @OrganisationCode nvarchar(10),
      @OrganisationType nvarchar(10)
    ) AS

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