Blog Post

First Blog Post


Well, this is my first blog post…I’ve said I was going to do this for a long time and it’s finally here. 

Via Twitter a in October Benjamin Nevarez @BenjaminNevarez solicited help for book reviewers for his new book “Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning & Optimization” I jumped at this opportunity two reasons, first Benjamin is an exceptional author and two I want to start contributing to the community. I feel that reviewing books can help others decide on how to spend their valuable time and hard earned money. Hopefully this effort helps someone in someway. 

I’ve enjoyed doing this so much that the folks at RedGate Software @RedGate asked for reviewers of Kalen Delaney’s new book “SQL Server Internals: In-Memory OLTP” I jumped on that too! Hopefully I will get this done quicker than the first 🙂

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