VB function to SQL UDFunction - Working Days

  • Hey guys,  Looking for some help in converting a access module into a User defined function in SQL.  What it does is work out the working days between 2 dates.  I have done most of it (I THINK!!) but i am having trouble setting the datatypes of the variables. 

    Here is the original version:

    Attribute VB_Name = "WorkDays"

    Option Compare Database

    Function Work_Days(BegDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant) As Integer

       ' Note that this function does not account for holidays.

       Dim WholeWeeks As Variant

       Dim DateCnt As Variant

       Dim EndDays As Integer


       On Error GoTo Err_Work_Days

       BegDate = DateValue(BegDate)

       EndDate = DateValue(EndDate)

       WholeWeeks = DateDiff("w", BegDate, EndDate)

       DateCnt = DateAdd("ww", WholeWeeks, BegDate)

       EndDays = 0

       Do While DateCnt <= EndDate

          If Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sun" And _

            Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sat" Then

             EndDays = EndDays + 1

          End If

          DateCnt = DateAdd("d", 1, DateCnt)


       Work_Days = WholeWeeks * 5 + EndDays

        Exit Function


        ' If either BegDate or EndDate is Null, return a zero

        ' to indicate that no workdays passed between the two dates. '

        If Err.Number = 94 Then

                    Work_Days = 0

        Exit Function


    ' If some other error occurs, provide a message.

        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

        End If

    End Function

    And here is my version that i think i have converted:

    CREATE Function Work_Days (@BegDate As nvarchar, @EndDate As numeric) RETURNS INTEGER as


         DECLARE @WholeWeeks As integer

         DECLARE @DateCnt As varchar

         DECLARE @EndDays As IntEGER 

         set @WholeWeeks = DateDiff("w", @BegDate, @EndDate)

         set @DateCnt = DateAdd("ww", @WholeWeeks, @BegDate)

         set @EndDays= 0


    While @DateCnt < @EndDate


             If DATENAME(dw,@DateCnt) <> 'Sunday' And DATENAME(dw,@DateCnt) <> 'Saturday'


     set @EndDays = @EndDays + 1




            set @DateCnt = DateAdd("d", 1, @DateCnt)


    return  @WholeWeeks * 5 + @EndDays


    Any help would be great guys.   you can email me on slancaster@gates.com  or msn slancaster81@hotmail.com


    Thanks! and hopefully ill be able to help you out one day.




  • Actually it would make sense, among other things, if you would use the DATETIME data type for @BeginDate and @EndDate.

    And probably even more easier would it be to do a search in the script section here or on the web. You will surely find such a function already existed. So there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • Hello Scott,

    SQL Server has a data type called DATETIME that should be right for you.

    In addition, I've had some trouble with the loop that tends to become infinite.

    It should be something like this:

    CREATE Function Work_Days (@BegDate As datetime, @EndDate As datetime) RETURNS INTEGER as


         DECLARE @WholeWeeks As integer

         DECLARE @DateCnt As datetime

         DECLARE @EndDays As IntEGER 

         set @WholeWeeks = DateDiff("ww", @BegDate, @EndDate)

         set @DateCnt = DateAdd("ww", @WholeWeeks, @BegDate)

         set @EndDays= 0


    While @DateCnt < @EndDate


      If DATENAME(dw,@DateCnt) <> 'Sunday' And DATENAME(dw,@DateCnt) <> 'Saturday'


        set @EndDays = @EndDays + 1


      set @DateCnt = DateAdd("d", 1, @DateCnt)


    return  @WholeWeeks * 5 + @EndDays



    There's still a problem if the start and end date are in the same week, but I'm running out of time right now.

    I can offer you a similar function I've written some time ago. It also offers the possibility to decide if Saturdays should be counted as workdays or not. In addition, it should also work on a server that is not installed in English (which is unfortunately true for me), as long as Microsoft didn't decide to change the result of DATEPART(dw, ...) depending on the country. I hope the comments will help you understand what the function is doing.

    create FUNCTION dbo.fnCalWorkDays


        @ParStartDate       datetime          -- Date to start with (included)

       ,@ParEndDate         datetime          -- Date to end with (included)

       ,@ParCountSaturdays  bit       = 0     -- 1: Saturdays are workdays, 0: Saturdays are free (default)


      RETURNS int                             -- Number of working days



      -- Calculate the number of working days between two days (including or excluding saturdays)

      DECLARE @CountDays int

      DECLARE @StartDate datetime

      DECLARE @EndDate   datetime

      DECLARE @WorkDays  int

      -- Switch the dates if necessary

      IF @ParStartDate < @ParEndDate


        SET @StartDate = @ParStartDate

        SET @EndDate   = @ParEndDate




        SET @StartDate = @ParEndDate

        SET @EndDate   = @ParStartDate


      IF (@ParCountSaturdays = 1)


        -- Saturdays are working days

        SET @WorkDays = 6




        -- Saturdays are free

        SET @Workdays = 5


      -- Calculate full weeks times working days per week

      SELECT @CountDays = FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate) / 7) * @Workdays

      IF (DATEPART(dw, @StartDate) > DATEPART(dw, @EndDate))


        -- Add days from start date to end of week (friday or saturday)

        -- and from beginning of week to end date

        SELECT @CountDays = @CountDays + (@Workdays + 2 - DATEPART(dw, @StartDate)) + (DATEPART(dw, @EndDate) - 1)


      IF (DATEPART(dw, @StartDate) < DATEPART(dw, @EndDate))


        -- Add days between start weekday and end weekday

        -- subtract 1 if starting day is sunday

        -- subtract 1 if ending day is saturday and saturday is free

        SELECT @CountDays = @CountDays + (DATEPART(dw, @EndDate) - DATEPART(dw, @StartDate) + 1)

        IF (DATEPART(dw, @StartDate) = 1)


          SELECT @CountDays = @CountDays - 1


        IF ((@ParCountSaturdays = 0) AND (DATEPART(dw, @EndDate) = 7))


          SELECT @CountDays = @CountDays - 1



      RETURN @CountDays



    I hope I was able to help you.






  • Thanks Christian and Frank for your answers. 


    Christian i used both the one you fixed up for me.. thought their might be a problem with the loop statement.   And i also compared it to the one you supplied.  Both return different values .  i used your saying that saturdays were not included. either way, ill have a better look into the script to see if i can work out why it is doing it.   

    date            enddate         Scotts      Christians

    1/01/2004     10/01/2004     7                8

    1/01/2004     4/10/2004       200           198

    12/01/2004    16/01/2004     4               4


    This was the first time i tried creating a UDf so thanks for all you inputs.. Im sure you will see me back here soon enough.


    thanks again



  • There is a set based way to do this, but first you need to set up a common SQL table called "Sequence":


    CREATE TABLE [Sequence] (

     [SequenceID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,




    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    declare @SequenceID Int

    While isnull(@SequenceID, 0) <=1000



     Insert Sequence default values

     select @SequenceID = @@identity


    Now you can create the function:

    create function UTIL_WorkingDaysDiff(@StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime)

    returns int



    declare @Count int

    --check for null values

    if @StartDate is null or @EndDate is null

      goto fEND

    ---check that dates aren't the same

    if convert(varchar(12), @StartDate, 101) = convert(varchar(12), @EndDate, 101)


      Select @Count = 0

      goto fEND


    --check that startdate < endDate

    if @StartDate > @EndDate

      goto fEND

    select @Count =

     sum (

     Case datepart(weekday, dateadd(dd, SequenceID, @StartDate))

      When 1  then 0

      When 7  then 0

        Else 1



    From  Sequence

    where  SequenceID <= datediff(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate)


    return @Count



    If you are worried about date ranges greater than the number of records you would want to check that the datediff(@StartDate, @EndDate) is less then the max(SequenceID), and if it isn't add more records to the Sequence table.


    Signature is NULL

  • Hello Scott,

    this is really weird... I've tried on different servers, but I get different results using my function than you do:

    select dbo.fncalworkdays(convert(datetime,'01.01.2004', 104), convert(datetime,'10.01.2004', 104), 0) --> returns 7

    select dbo.fncalworkdays(convert(datetime,'01.01.2004', 104), convert(datetime,'04.10.2004', 104), 0) --> return 198

    select dbo.fncalworkdays(convert(datetime,'12.01.2004', 104), convert(datetime,'16.01.2004', 104), 0) --> returns 5

    Sorry, I'm using German date formats, I'm just used to converting dates this way.

    The only thing I could think of is the DATEPART() function, which should return 7 for Saturday and 1 for Sunday. This can be influenced by SET DATEFIRST. The default for English is 7 (Sunday is the first day of the week) and that is the setting we are using.

    Maybe your machine is set to DATEFIRST 1 (Monday is the first day of the week), which will lead to a different result.

    You might simply try to run SET DATEFIRST 7 before calling the function. As far as I know, this should only influence the current session.

    Of course, you can as well change all DATEPART() calls in the function to fit your setting of DATEFIRST.

    SELECT @@DATEFIRST will show your current setting.





  • There's actually a script by Ed Cardin featured in today's email:


    This is definitely a valid option, and provides a way of specifying whether a day is a holiday or not, quarters, etc.  I use something similar in my OLAP cubes for date dimensions...

    Still, I like my sequence table approach and the fact that it's set based.

    Signature is NULL

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