concatenate strings from a select

  • Hi,

    I´ve a little problem, I don´t know how to solve it

    have this table from a previus developer

    tk_id      tk_number   tk_battery

    6500      null             null

    6501      12345          6500

    6555      67897          6500

    6588      56431          6500

    I need to concatenate the result of this query into another result column

    select tk_number

    from myTable

    where tk_battery = '6500'







    I wanted to get


    '12345 - 67897 - 56431'

    Thnk you

  • For strings, the only way I know is through a cursor or temp table. Here's the cursor version

    DECLARE @rowStr varchar(20),

        @totalStr varchar(2000)

    DECLARE mytable_curs CURSOR FOR

    SELECT tk_number from mytable

    where tk_Battery = 6500

    OPEN mytable_curs

    fetch next FROM mytable_curs INTO @rowStr

    SELECT @totalStr = isNull(@rowStr, '')

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


      fetch next FROM mytable_curs INTO @rowStr

      if @@fetch_status = 0

       SELECT @totalStr = @TotalStr + ' - ' + isNull(@rowStr, '')


    CLOSE mytable_curs

    DEALLOCATE mytable_curs

    SELECT TKtotal = @TotalStr

  • Alternatively you could append the string in the select statement...

    DECLARE @tk_total Varchar(2000)

    SET @tk_total = ''

    SELECT @tk_total = @tk_total +

       CASE Len(@tk_total) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE

        CASE WHEN tk_number IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ' - ' END


       + isNull(CAST(tk_number as Varchar) ,'')

    FROM myTable

    WHERE tk_battery = 6500

    SELECT 'TKTotal' = @tk_total


  • You could also try the COALESCE function. I've found it handy for CSV building.

    This assumes that tk_number is a varchar, you may have to CAST(tk_number as varchar)  otherwise.

    DECLARE @List varchar(2000) 

     SELECT @List = COALESCE(@List + ' - ', '') + tk_number --assume tk_number is a varchar 

       FROM myTable

      WHERE tk_battery = 6500

     SELECT @List

  • Hello ebufanio,

    there is a nice way to do this using UDF (user defined function):

    /*create test environment*/

    create table testing(tk_id int, tk_number int, tk_battery int)

    insert into testing values (6500, null, null)

    insert into testing values (6501, 12345, 6500)

    insert into testing values (6555, 67897, 6500)

    insert into testing values (6588, 56431, 6500)

    /*FUNCTION starts here*/

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_concatenate(@battery int)



    DECLARE @string VARCHAR(1024)

    SELECT @string = ''

    /*concatenates the string*/

    SELECT @string = @string + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),t.tk_number) + ' - '

    FROM testing t

    WHERE tk_battery = @battery

    /*strips away the delimiter at the end of string*/

    IF @string <> '' SELECT @string = LEFT(@string, LEN(@string)-2)

    RETURN @string


    /*end of function*/

    /*call function*/

    SELECT dbo.udf_concatenate(6500) AS [TKtotal]

    I don't know your tables and their structure, so probably you'll have to tune it a bit and change the data types (I used INT in all fields for simplicity). Hope this helps (and hope I didn't mistype anything in SQL when making final corrections to the post).

  • Thank you all. Each answer help me a lot.

    Kind Regards

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