April 14, 2004 at 2:29 am
Dear all,
I am getting this error when 2 users try to commit a transaction simualtaneously for different sets of data. The same set of stored procedures are executed. One transaction is committed and the other set is rolled back
"Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. "
the profiler is just showing exception error. what should i do now ?
April 15, 2004 at 6:00 am
Just some quick thoughts on this issue (I need to get my US tax return e-filed quickly - and this morning )...
You may wish to split the I/O procedures into separate stored procedures. The SP may be executing "shared" among the two users and causing the conflict in terms of a "shared connection" (not SPID - a connection).
Splitting the I/O routines in separate SPs could well solve this problem.
The profiler will not be much help here, as the SP is considered a single batch, and will not show individual queries in the SP as they execute.
We use a single SP for each "function" in terms of I/O. For example, we use an SP to update an order, and a separate SP to write a new order, and a separate SP to access an order in read-only mode. It keeps things separate, and we've not run into any conflicts, deadlocks, or other issues.
Best of luck!
-- Joe
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