Redeploy RDL after changing sproc?

  • I recently made some changes to a sproc that wasn't running well to a point it runs great now! It was doing magic for maybe 2 weeks, but suddenly nothing comes back now? It does show in the log file that it processed, but nothing is coming back?

    The change was simple. Just switched the indexes on temp tables after data inserted vs. before, which it was doing.
    Again, it worked great for 2 weeks, but now nothing returns.

    I was talking to the developer and suggested to redeploy the RDL. Not sure what else to try?

  • SqlServerDBA318,  I am unsure of your environment/rdl but things I would check:

    1) Are you performing index maintenance on the new indexes
    2) What else is running at the same time the stored procedure execution (maybe another process is overlapping this process and completely removes any indexes you created)

    I do not think the SSRS rdl needs to be redeployed since the issues seem to be within the SQL Server itself and not with code changes in the rdl itself.

  • Does the stored procedure return data when you run in SSMS?

  • Thanks Lynn, I forgot that one.  =)

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