how to correlate ApplicationName in Profiler with process or job running under 'sa' login ?

  • Hi, 
     I am in process of disabling 'sa' account on server. 
     Server is running transaction replication
     I created new login  for replication (repl_agent_d)  assigned to all replication agents, restarted replication agents
     I changed owners of all sql agent jobs owners from 'sa' to account 'server_service'

     to make sure that all changes been applied I restarted the sql server and sql server agent

    When I run profiler I see that same SPID = 67  with same Application name='Repl-LogReader-0-pricingdb-5' use 2 login names  'SA' and 'repl_agent_d'
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish  --executed by 'sa' with SPID = 67
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish -- executed by 'repl_agent_d' with SPID = 67

    since I changed security of all agents and ownership of the the job I expect 'sa' no longer be used by any replication process
    Is any way to identify  why replication still using 'sa'  login ?


  • ebooklub - Thursday, July 12, 2018 2:31 PM

     I am in process of disabling 'sa' account on server. 
     Server is running transaction replication
     I created new login  for replication (repl_agent_d)  assigned to all replication agents, restarted replication agents
     I changed owners of all sql agent jobs owners from 'sa' to account 'server_service'

     to make sure that all changes been applied I restarted the sql server and sql server agent

    When I run profiler I see that same SPID = 67  with same Application name='Repl-LogReader-0-pricingdb-5' use 2 login names  'SA' and 'repl_agent_d'
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish  --executed by 'sa' with SPID = 67
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish -- executed by 'repl_agent_d' with SPID = 67

    since I changed security of all agents and ownership of the the job I expect 'sa' no longer be used by any replication process
    Is any way to identify  why replication still using 'sa'  login ?


    Did you check if they are in the Publication Access List?


  • And check the run as for the job step, not just the job owner.


  • removed 'sa' from   "Publication Access List"   still see 'sa' in profiler

    Stoped job 
     Name = MyServer-Pricingdb-12
     Owner = server_service
     Category = REPL-LogReader
     job step 1
       name = Log reader agent startup message
       Type = TSQL
      Run as = ''
      Command = sp_MSadd_logreader_history @perfmon_increment = 0, @agent_id = 12, @runstatus = 1, @comments = N'Starting agent.'

    job step 2
     name = Run agent
     Type = Replication Transaction- log reader
     Run as = SQL server agent service account   ---(account is running under .\sql_service as member of local admin group)
    Command = Publisher [Myserver] -PublisherDB [Pricingdb] -Distributor [Myserver] -DistributorSecurityMode 1 -Continuous

    job step2
    Name = Detect nonlogged agent shutdown.
    Type = TSQL
    Run as = 
    Command  sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown @subsystem = 'LogReader', @agent_id = 12

    When I stop and disable this job profiler stop showing Application name='Repl-LogReader-0-pricingdb-5' 

    When I enable this job Application name='Repl-LogReader-0-pricingdb-5' returns ....

    I double check
    all publications have log reader agent security set as 
    login = repl_agent_d
    pass = *****

  • There is much more to it than just changing the log reader agent. There are a lot of other variables that can impact what to change where such as push/pull, immediately updating subscriber, Linked server/distributor_admin, local or remote distributor, etc. You probably need to go through each one of the steps in this article:
    View and Modify Replication Security Settings
    It sounds like a lot of the replication was configured using sa so you will need to go through everything. It's more than just the agents and jobs. You need to check it for all publications.

    If you wanted to trace the use of sa further, you need to filter the trace to just sa and you want to know more than executions of sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish as that is called in over 100 other replication stored procedures. You want to capture the host as well. You'll need to capture a lot more activity to figure out when it's being used and by what process.
    Repl-LogReader-0-pricingdb-5 is just a log reader  job. So yes when you stop the job, you won't see it anymore. When you start the job, you see it again.


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