Hardware for SQLserver

  • The question is:

    how can I figure out what hardware should be used for the SQL server.

    Another words: I want to know, if there was a performance issue(for example) who would be guilty: developers or hardware.

    I understand that question is very hard to answer but maybe somebody has suggestions.

    In the best case would be nice to have some kind of calculator: I typed number of transaction/sec, number of connections, sizes of DBs and so forth and would have a approximate hardware configuration.


  • Compaq has sizers for their hardware on their Active Answers site:


    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • quote:

    I want to know, if there was a performance issue(for example) who would be guilty: developers or hardware.

    It can be either, this is why you create baselines and update them with each change to see what is going on with the hardware and if a major jump occurrs but you didn't do a whole lot then start looking thru profiler at queries and the databases to see what causes these jumps. If you can test and see that those problems are not issues with the coding then look at the hardware. It is sometimes hard to determine. However one of the big areas for bad developement is number of records returned as the higher te more bandwidth is used so throttling on the connection can point to too much data being access in the first place and generally not the hardware. Also it the RAM all of a sudden fills and the machine starts trudging along it could be a bad loop or errors improperly trapped in app code. It is hard to tell but I personally start out with the developement checking then move to hardware when I am sure the first is not the case (and sometimes you just never are sure).

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/22/2002 05:06:05 AM

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