Index rebuilding on a AWS RDS SQL server instance

  • Hi, Is there a need for Index rebuilding for the AWS RDS SQL server -2016 version, considering RDS SQL server is self healing and fully managed by Amazon?

    and If I ever want to do index maintenance on AWS RDS SQL instance, is it possible at all?

  • AWS RDS is self healing in the sense that they fix health problems that would take your database offline.

    It is not self TUNING.

    If you want it to go faster, then tuning steps are still left up to you - even including setting things like Cost Threshold and MAXDOP.

  • Ok, Thank you!

  • Agnii - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 9:53 AM

    Hi, Is there a need for Index rebuilding for the AWS RDS SQL server -2016 version, considering RDS SQL server is self healing and fully managed by Amazon?

    and If I ever want to do index maintenance on AWS RDS SQL instance, is it possible at all?

    You may want to consider proper fill factor settings etc., preventive configurations are always better than reactive maintenance!

  • Nope - do your normal due diligence with tuning and statistics.

    I have a few MSSQL RDS's under my scope and learned that the hard way. One of our databases had a 1 billion+ row table with 65% fragmentation due to that oversight. Yikes.

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