Blog Post



Back in March 2013 I wrote We Need A Place For SQLFamily News after the death of the spouse of a local chapter member. In April 2014 we had a former chapter member die and last week I ran across a post from a speaker I know about recovering from a stroke. That reminded me of the we need a place post, so on a whim I did a domain search and found that was available, so I acquired it. Now though, what to do with it, if anything? My thought was to do something simple:

  • Once a week post of any news that week. No post if no news. Find news via #sqlfamily tag on Twitter, or that is sent to webmaster, or ?
  • Enable email subscriptions

What counts as news? I don’t see this as high volume, so maybe its:

  • Serious illness
  • Death
  • Marriage
  • Birth of a child
  • Birthday

Worth doing? Worth doing more? What would more look like? More than that, who should do it? I’m up for starting it to see if it works, but long term it should be a family thing, or a PASS thing perhaps. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on any of that, here, on Twitter, or via email (


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