Multiple sub queries used to derive the columns for the select list.

  • I've been wrapping my head around this view that consists of multiple sub queries that are used to derive columns in the select list (for keeping it simple I didn't specify all the sub queries). My question here is that is it totally okay to write such a query with so many sub queries in it or is there a better way to re-write it to avoid them...any best practices that can be followed. I tried looking at the option of doing a derived query or a cte but for some reason I am not able to get this piece together. I want to eliminate those repetitive sub queries if possible.

        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info l
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND stamp =
           SELECT MIN(stamp)
           FROM x.dbo.Info
           WHERE orderno = l.orderno
             AND releaseno = l.releaseno
             AND status = 'Released'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) [shop_name],
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
          AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) AS [lastworkplace],
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
          AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) AS [laststatus]
    FROM BI.dbo.tblz a -- this is a view (not sure if that matters)
      LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tblx b
       ON = a.salesorder
      LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tbls c
       ON c.tranid = a.salesorder
        AND c.itemid = a.assemblyid
        AND c.serialnum = a.ordercode
      LEFT JOIN Z.dbo.tbli d
       ON d.prodline = LEFT(COALESCE(STUFF(a.assemblyid, CHARINDEX('+', a.assemblyid), 1, ''), a.assemblyid), 2)
    WHERE = 'p'
        LEFT(a.prun, 8) >= '20120101'
        OR a.prun IS NULL
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info l
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND stamp =
           SELECT MIN(stamp)
           FROM x.dbo.Info
           WHERE orderno = l.orderno
             AND releaseno = l.releaseno
             AND status = 'Released'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) [shop_name],
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
          AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) AS [lastworkplace],
        SELECT TOP 1
        FROM x.dbo.Info
        WHERE orderno = a.orderno
          AND releaseno = a.releaseno
          AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
          AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
        ORDER BY stamp DESC
       ) AS [laststatus]
    FROM BI.dbo.tblz a -- this is a view (not sure if that matters)
      LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tblx b
       ON = a.salesorder
      LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tbls c
       ON c.tranid = a.salesorder
        AND c.itemid = a.assemblyid
        AND c.serialnum = a.ordercode
      LEFT JOIN Z.dbo.tbli d
       ON d.prodline = LEFT(COALESCE(STUFF(a.assemblyid, CHARINDEX('+', a.assemblyid), 1, ''), a.assemblyid), 2)
    WHERE = 'm'
        LEFT(a.prun, 8) >= '20120101'
        OR a.prun IS NULL

  • I am guessing you are asking this because the query is slow or you find it unreadable?
    If the later, you can always just do multiple joins to the Info view instead, if the former, I would be more worried about the join
    LEFT(COALESCE(STUFF(a.assemblyid, CHARINDEX('+', a.assemblyid), 1, ''), a.assemblyid), 2)
    as just ouch!
    Best way to go about this is to keep the original and just develop a copy alongside it, then test, test, test until the output is identical for all user cases.
    I would also have a look at tblz to ensure that is efficient enough..

  • Rick-153145 - Tuesday, June 12, 2018 1:40 AM

    I am guessing you are asking this because the query is slow or you find it unreadable?
    If the later, you can always just do multiple joins to the Info view instead, if the former, I would be more worried about the join
    LEFT(COALESCE(STUFF(a.assemblyid, CHARINDEX('+', a.assemblyid), 1, ''), a.assemblyid), 2)
    as just ouch!
    Best way to go about this is to keep the original and just develop a copy alongside it, then test, test, test until the output is identical for all user cases.
    I would also have a look at tblz to ensure that is efficient enough..

    More than performance I would like to get rid of the unneeded sub queries to reduce the length of code and more importantly to get rid of the duplication. Any specifics on how I can convert that into multiple joins or if there is best practice reference concerning sub queries etc. that can be taken into consideration to improvise on the code.

  • The first thing to do is look at your data. Is there a reason for using TOP 1 all over the place? As the values are coming from Info and the joins are mostly the same, you can probably get all this from a single or a couple of joins, but that is very dependant on your data. Things to check first are:
    - Are there duplicates?
    - Can you get ShopName, LastWorkPlace and LastStatus in one query?
    - If so, can you make that a view/a couple of views that you can then use in place of all the separate sub queries?
    - Can you join tblz directly to Info?
    - Can you change tblz to put out an extra field to cover prodline in tbli?
    - What datatype is tblz.prun and why are you using it as a date if its not a date datatype, can you change it to be a date?
    So, lets start with a couple of the queries:


    FROM x.dbo.Info
    WHERE orderno = a.orderno
    AND releaseno = a.releaseno
    AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
    AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
    ORDER BY stamp DESC
    ) AS [lastworkplace],
    FROM x.dbo.Info
    WHERE orderno = a.orderno
    AND releaseno = a.releaseno
    AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
    AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
    ORDER BY stamp DESC
    ) AS [laststatus]

    Is the same as:

         name AS [lastworkplace],
          lstatus AS [laststatus]
    FROM x.dbo.Info
    WHERE orderno = a.orderno
    AND releaseno = a.releaseno
    AND status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
    AND status NOT LIKE 'so%'
    ORDER BY stamp DESC

    Assuming that TOP 1 is superfluous. If TOP 1 is required, you could easily change it to a join, so:

     SELECT, AS [lastworkplace],
          info.lstatus AS [laststatus],

    FROM tblz a
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT name, lstatus FROM (SELECT ROWNUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY OrderNo, ReleaseNo ORDER BY stamp DESC) as rownum, Name, lstatus, orderno, releaseno WHERE status NOT IN (<x>,<y>)) a WHERE rownum = 1) Info
    on Info.orderno = a.orderno and Info.releaseno = a.releaseno

    What would be better though is if you had a statusid rather than the text of status, then you could change the query to NOT IN(x,y)

  • Here's a rewrite of the first query (before the UNION ALL).  I don't have time to do both but they look very similar.  The second two subqueries can be combined into 1 query, as below.

    FROM BI.dbo.tblz a -- this is a view (not sure if that matters)
    LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tblx b
      ON = a.salesorder
    LEFT JOIN X.dbo.tbls c
      ON c.tranid = a.salesorder
      AND c.itemid = a.assemblyid
      AND c.serialnum = a.ordercode
    LEFT JOIN Z.dbo.tbli d
      ON d.prodline = LEFT(COALESCE(STUFF(a.assemblyid, CHARINDEX('+', a.assemblyid), 1, ''), a.assemblyid), 2)
      SELECT TOP 1
      FROM x.dbo.Info l
      WHERE orderno = a.orderno
       AND releaseno = a.releaseno
       AND stamp =
       SELECT MIN(stamp)
       FROM x.dbo.Info
       WHERE orderno = l.orderno
       AND releaseno = l.releaseno
       AND status = 'Released'
      ORDER BY stamp DESC 
      ) AS [oa1]
      SELECT TOP (1) AS [lastworkplace], i.lstatus AS [laststatus]
      FROM x.dbo.Info i
      WHERE i.orderno = a.orderno
       AND i.releaseno = a.releaseno
       AND i.status NOT LIKE 'backflus%'
       AND i.status NOT LIKE 'so%'
      ORDER BY i.stamp DESC
     ) AS [oa2]
    WHERE = 'p'
      LEFT(a.prun, 8) >= '20120101'
      OR a.prun IS NULL

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

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