View creation: Using UNION ALL on dynamic schemas

  • Hi,
    I want to create a VIEW that combines same as well as different tables from different as well as same schemas, something like

        someKnowncol1 as Colname1,
        someKnowncol2 as Colname2,
       ...(some more columns..)


        someKnowncol1 as Colname1,
        someKnowncol2 as Colname2,
       ...(some more columns..)


    --There could be more entries like above ones that could follow..
    --If say 5 schemas have this table 'KnownTableX', then 5 SELECT statements and all will be combined using UNION ALL. But its not known how many such schemas will get created and also their name is not known. But whenever it gets created its sure to have this table 'KnownTableX'.
    --So, Here number of schemas and name of schema is unknown but the name of the table which they will have is known say 'KnownTableX'
    --That is, till here TABLE Names and their structures/column names are all same and identical.

    -- From here onwards the schema name is known and same.... say 'KnownSchemaX'.
    -- The Table names and their structure(column names) are known but different.

        someKnowncol3 as Colname1,
        someKnowncol4 as Colname2,
       ...(some more columns..)

        someKnowncol5 as Colname1,
        someKnowncol6 as Colname2,
       ...(some more columns..)

    Could any expert guide me on how to approach this problem ?
    a) When the database and all objects gets created, I could invoke a procedure which will create this View.
    b) In future , whenever view is accessed , it should be able to display table data of even the newly added schemas (the unknown ones). and should not give error saying that object doesn't exists.

    All schemas(known and unknown) are from the same database.


  • It would need to be a stored procedure, rather than a view because the only way to do it is via dynamic SQL. For the first part, it would be something along the lines of :

    declare @sql Varchar(Max) = (
      string_agg('Select Column1, Column2 From ' + schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+name, ' UNION ALL ')
     from sys.tables where name like 'knowntable%'

    Note for brevity I've used the new string_agg function in there, but you can use your favourite string aggregator function to accomplish the same thing on downlevel platforms.

    Extending that to handle the later cases of tables in the same schema but with different column names is possible, but you'd need more details on how you'd know which columns map to which in the result set. If it's purely based on order then you can probably use sys.columns to get the names in a similar fashion.

  • Thanks Andy for your reply.
    The idea was to have user access to all the data from different tables through a single view and the view shows data dynamically even for newly added schemas.
    Regarding the column mapping , that will be hard coded.  If 5 tables have same column and structure, then atleast for 1 table it will be hardcoded and remaining 4 will take it via loop. If there are 2 more tables both with different columns and structure, then column mapping will be hard-coded for each one.


  • I think the overall design is highly questionable, if you're going to have different columns hard-coded then every time you add a table you're going to end up having to modify the "view" anyway so there is little to be gained over just hardcoding the entire thing. 

    If you really want to go down this route, it has to be a stored procedure (it cannot be done in a view or table function) and would look something along the lines of:

    Declare @sql Varchar(Max) = '';

    With KnownTables As
            schema_name(schema_id) As SchemaName,    
    'Column1,Column2' As Cols,
            name As TableName
        From sys.tables
        Where name like 'KnownTable%'
    KnownSchemas As
            schema_name(schema_id) As SchemaName,
         From (Values
         ) S(TableName, Cols)
         Join sys.tables T On Schema_Name(schema_id) = 'KnownSchema'
              And = S.TableName
    AllTables As
        Select SchemaName, TableName, Cols From KnownTables
        Union All
        Select SchemaName, TableName, Cols From KnownSchemas
        @sql=String_Agg('Select ' + Cols + ' From ' + SchemaName + '.' + TableName, ' Union All ')
    From AllTables

    If I were you though, I'd seriously re-think the whole design and preferably put everything into one single table with another column to distinguish whatever attribute of the data it is you're currently using different tables to demark. This will work out a lot less painful to use as a design in the long run.
  • Thanks Andy for your reply.
    I will try to simply my question: Below are 5 different tables which user access. Now aim is to have a single view with all combined data from different tables so that user doesnt have to query so many different tables. Mapping is not an issue.
    NOte: I have limited the num of rows to only 3.  Also number of columns can be more.

    1127some textAComments1
    2453some textBComments2
    3234some textCComments3
    10111some textXComments44
    10222some textYComments5
    10357some textZComments62
    2148some text4Comments17
    2223some text5Comments80
    2310some text6Comments9
    1301txtP9XUNdatetime1001some textCommentsX
    1303txtRLKS7som date3367textComments22
    91121text33dateval11001some textY0CommentsA
    Expected View to have following structure
    SchemaX-TAB_G1COL1=127; COL2=some textAComments1
    SchemaX-TAB_G2COL1=453; COL2=some textBComments2
    SchemaX-TAB_G3COL1=234; COl2=some textCComments3
    SchemaY-TAB_G101COl1=11; COl2=some textXComments44
    SchemaY-TAB_G102COL1=22; COL2=some textYComments5
    SchemaY-TAB_G103COL1=57; COL2=some textZComments62
    SchemaZ-TAB_G21COL1=48; COL2=some text4Comments17
    SchemaZ-TAB_G22COL1=23; COL2=some text5Comments80
    SchemaZ-TAB_G23COL1=10; COL2=some text6Comments9
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1301COLY=9XUN; COLN=1001CommentsX
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1302COLY=PS8J; COLN=1010CommentsY
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1303COLY=LKS7; COLN=3367Comments22
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR91COLA=121; COLV=YCommentsA
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR92COLA=465; COLV=NComments0
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR93COLA=837; COLV=NCommentsM

    If there would have been only 5 tables , then I would have used 4 UNION ALL to combine them with all necessary mapping done easily.

    The only issue is Table TAB_G can be in 3 or more different schemas and hence question how many UNION_ALL to use for them and how to use it?
    Table 4 and 5 are fixed and wont change. All their mappings can be easily taken care.


  • vk1.softcomp - Sunday, July 22, 2018 4:25 PM

    The only issue is Table TAB_G can be in 3 or more different schemas and hence question how many UNION_ALL to use for them and how to use it?

    The key thing is that there is absolutely no way to do this in a straight view. Either you have to guarantee that TAB_G will always exist (even if the contents are empty) in all the schemas you want it in - in which case you can have a view and it becomes a bigger version of the UNION ALL - or you have to resort to dynamic SQL to build up a list of the tables and combine them on demand, which means you have to go via a stored procedure.

    Note that an alternate design would be to have a single TAB_G table with a column that contains data that distinguishes between them in the way you're currently using SchemaX/SchemaY/SchemaZ etc

  • vk1.softcomp - Sunday, July 22, 2018 4:25 PM

    Thanks Andy for your reply.
    I will try to simply my question: Below are 5 different tables which user access. Now aim is to have a single view with all combined data from different tables so that user doesnt have to query so many different tables. Mapping is not an issue.
    NOte: I have limited the num of rows to only 3.  Also number of columns can be more.

    1127some textAComments1
    2453some textBComments2
    3234some textCComments3
    10111some textXComments44
    10222some textYComments5
    10357some textZComments62
    2148some text4Comments17
    2223some text5Comments80
    2310some text6Comments9
    1301txtP9XUNdatetime1001some textCommentsX
    1303txtRLKS7som date3367textComments22
    91121text33dateval11001some textY0CommentsA
    Expected View to have following structure
    SchemaX-TAB_G1COL1=127; COL2=some textAComments1
    SchemaX-TAB_G2COL1=453; COL2=some textBComments2
    SchemaX-TAB_G3COL1=234; COl2=some textCComments3
    SchemaY-TAB_G101COl1=11; COl2=some textXComments44
    SchemaY-TAB_G102COL1=22; COL2=some textYComments5
    SchemaY-TAB_G103COL1=57; COL2=some textZComments62
    SchemaZ-TAB_G21COL1=48; COL2=some text4Comments17
    SchemaZ-TAB_G22COL1=23; COL2=some text5Comments80
    SchemaZ-TAB_G23COL1=10; COL2=some text6Comments9
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1301COLY=9XUN; COLN=1001CommentsX
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1302COLY=PS8J; COLN=1010CommentsY
    SchemaM-TAB_MXM1303COLY=LKS7; COLN=3367Comments22
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR91COLA=121; COLV=YCommentsA
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR92COLA=465; COLV=NComments0
    SchemaM-TAB_SBR93COLA=837; COLV=NCommentsM

    If there would have been only 5 tables , then I would have used 4 UNION ALL to combine them with all necessary mapping done easily.

    The only issue is Table TAB_G can be in 3 or more different schemas and hence question how many UNION_ALL to use for them and how to use it?
    Table 4 and 5 are fixed and wont change. All their mappings can be easily taken care.


    Can't use dynamic SQL in this manner, and to UNION ALL the tables together requires that all tables have the same number of columns and the data type for the columns match.

  • I don;t recall if SQL 2008 supports DDL triggers or not.   If it does, you could perhaps have a DDL trigger detect the current list of tables of that name and re-establish the view in the process.   That trigger would detect any new TABG tables or any dropped TABG tables and just re-establish the view using dynamic SQL every time it sees a change for that table name.   This might be the only effective way to do what you WANT to do, but it might not be a terribly good idea...

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Is it not possible that..
    ...inside a View definition, we have a select statement that gets all the new SCHEMA names for a unique known table name..(This unique table, say ABC, will be there across all Schemas, that is, each schema must and will have this unique table ABC)
    if this is possible then my job is done...   (Table is not going to get dropped)

    Once I have the schema names , then I can define the view structure from all the different tables.. (Mapping to a new structure from old table structures is not a problem...)


  • vk1.softcomp - Friday, July 27, 2018 10:22 AM

    Is it not possible that..
    ...inside a View definition, we have a select statement that gets all the new SCHEMA names for a unique known table name..(This unique table, say ABC, will be there across all Schemas, that is, each schema must and will have this unique table ABC)
    if this is possible then my job is done...   (Table is not going to get dropped)

    Once I have the schema names , then I can define the view structure from all the different tables.. (Mapping to a new structure from old table structures is not a problem...)


    No, it's NOT possible, because views do not allow dynamic SQL, and dynamic SQL is the only possible way to use that technique.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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