Automated SSIS package slow collecting data from AWS Oracle instance

  • Hi All,

    Wasn't sure if this was the right place to put this or if AWS was.

    We run 62 packages against an Oracle database that is now in AWS. This is run as one job, and has always run within 90 minutes to populate our dates in MS-SQL.

    Since the change with Oracle going up to AWS, it's now taking all day to run.

    The obvious answer is latency (no longer onsite to onsite databases talking to each other), but does anyone have experiences of this? If I run the individual packages in isolation manually (only tested 5 so far) they run fine and in line with normal timings. So my gut feel is to split them up into more sequence container packages and see if this resolves this issue.

    I have got the guys looking at the AWS side, but obviously want to cover all bases.

    Thanks for any experiences/help on this one.


  • Are you able to check logs to verify the run times for the infividual packages? 
    It would be interesting to know whether they are all running for longer than usual, or whether there are just one or two which are taking all of the extra time.

  • Are you running the packages in series, parallel, or a mixture?
    Perhaps there are different settings on the Oracle side which throttle parallelism more in AWS than on your previous system (for example).

  • Hi Phil,

    I did that, I have identified the tables running the longest and am isolating those for testing :).

    There are some tables that have dependencies on each other so run in series but a lot would run in parallel. This is my gut feeling too that perhaps there is some different threshold, so I am looking at splitting out once I have done some diagnostic work on the long running tables. Wondered if anyone else had had experience of that.

    Basically all of the packages are taking longer BUT some are say a minute longer (not going to complain about that) and some are 400-500% longer (something to look at).

    Thanks for validating what I am doing, that's helpful!

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