I need to "group" two rows of data, but cannot seem to figure it out

  • my table is simple it has 1,000's of rows.  one row is the account balance in USD, and the other row (and they are not sequential) in local currency.  In this example I have shown a single Canadian balance

    1. Enttity
    2. Account
    3. LocalCurrencyID
    4. ReportCurrencyID
    5. Amt

    ENT_1018  ACC_3030000  USD USD  500.00
    ENT_1018  ACC_3030000 CAD  CAD  515.00

    I need one row where the USD is in column 5 and the CAD amount in column 6.  And as shown the local currency id in column 3 and the USD currency ID in column 4.
    ENT_1018  ACC_3030000 CAD  USD  500.00   515.00

    I did this
    Select entity,account,localcurrencyID, 'USD' AS reportcurrencyID, Amt
    from dbo.CIMBalances
    Group by entity,account,localcurrencyID, reportcurrencyID, Amt

    this did not work as I still get two lines.  I understand it is because the localcurrencyID is different. But I cannot figure out how to get around this.

    ,    Account
    ,    MAX(CASE
                WHEN LocalCurrencyID = 'USD' THEN Amt
                ELSE 0
            END) AS USDAmount
    ,    MAX(CASE
                WHEN LocalCurrencyID = 'CAD' THEN Amt
                ELSE 0
            END) AS CADAmount
    FROM dbo.CIMBalances
    ,    Account


  • sorry  was not clear, CAD was just my example there are 1,000's of rows with many different local currencies.  And we get new currencies usually quarterly.  thanks
    etc. etc.

  • Seems like you need to do some Dynamic PIVOT work
    (Sorry, don't have links to Jeff's articles on hand)

  • Where do all the currencies come from?  This page lists only 178, so you could use that as your basis, extend the query I posted earlier, and get a result set with 180-odd columns.  If you need to narrow that down, you can use your front end to display only the columns you're interested in.


  • Not sure, but give this a try:
    SELECT L.Entity, L.Account,
    FROM (SELECT U.Entity, U.Account, U.Currency_ID AS Report_Currency_ID, R.Amt
            FROM Your_Table AS U
            WHERE Currency_ID = 'USD') AS L
        INNER JOIN (SELECT C.Entity, C.Account, C.Currency_ID AS Local_Currency_ID, R.Amt
                    FROM Your_Table AS C
                    WHERE Currency_ID <> 'USD') AS R
            ON L.Entity = R.Entity
            AND L.Account = R.Account

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • ok so I got this to work just fine, and it returns the data set I need.  Except for the last column  Sum([GLReportingBalance(Local Currency)]) AS [GLReportingBalance(Local Currency)]
    This works fine for all columns except last column

    SELECT Entity,




    [Group3/sub account],

    [Group4/sub account],











    '' AS AlternateCurrency,

    'USD' AS AccountCurrency,


    SUM([GLReportingBalance(USD)]) AS [GLReportingBalance(USD)],

    '' AS [,GLAlternateBalance],

    Sum([GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)]) AS [GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)]

    FROM     dbo.CIMBalancesUnion

    GROUP BY Entity, Account, [Group 1/CO/Division], [Group 2/Sub-Account/], [Group 3/sub account], [Group 4/sub account], KEY7, KEY8, KEY9, KEY10, AccountDescription,

                      AccountReference, FinancialStatement, AccountType, ActiveAccount, ActivityInPeriod, PeriodEndDate

    so for the last column I did this
       When [AlternateCurrency] ='USD Total'
            THEN SUM([GLReportingBalance(USD)])
       ELSE Sum([GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)])
         As [GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)]

    When I do that I get this error message

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 23

    Column 'dbo.CIMBalancesUnion.AlternateCurrency' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    any suggestions?

  • Add [AlternateCurrency] to the GROUP BY

  • thanks  for  the reply. but  that  is actually  the  issue  I am trying to  solve.  if I  use alternate currency as a group function member I get two rows.  in my first  post I note I need one row.  in my last post I note the answer set is correct as it shows one row.  but the last column does not have the correct value.  so I added the CASE statement thinking/hoping it would not require alternatecurrency in the group statement.

    for now  there does not seem to be a way around this.  someone  posted about dynamic pivot and I am reading up on that.

  • We're getting to the stage where we need some table DDL (CREATE TABLE statement(s)) and sample data (INSERT statements) if we're going to be able to provide any more help.  I still stand by my original suggestion of writing a big query with a MAX(CASE...) expression for every conceivable currency.  If that's not practical, by all means look at using dynamic SQL.  In my experience, it can get a bit messy, but once you get it working, you may find that it's exactly what you need.

    As for getting your query to work, try changing that CASE expression like this:
    SUM (
        WHEN [AlternateCurrency] ='USD Total' THEN [GLReportingBalance(USD)]
            ELSE [GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)]
        ) AS [GLReportingBalance(LocalCurrency)]


  • agreed let me put together the necessary table data and post.  will do that today, or maybe over the weekend thanks

  • thanks that was so obvious, that I missed the "tree" for the forest.  I just need to sum that section same as I was doing.  when I replaced the simple one line with the new CASE statement I should have kept the Sum function. duhh, thanks

  • ok sorry, had an unexpected family matter come up over the weekend, so I am later getting data loaded..  attached is an excel workbook, with two worksheets
    answerset = what I need the final view to look like
    sourcedata = the raw table data. 

    Let me know if you need additional help.  so far I have not found a solution.

  • I thought your query worked, except for the last column, which I fixed for you?

    This query should work for your sample data and expected results.  Note that it's not tested, since you didn't supply CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements as I requested.

    ,  Account
    ,  MAX(CASE
            WHEN LocalCurrencyID = 'USD' THEN Amt
            ELSE 0
       END) AS USDAmount
    ,  MAX(CASE
            WHEN LocalCurrencyID <> 'USD' THEN Amt
            ELSE 0
       END) AS LocalAmount
    FROM dbo.CIMBalances
    ,  Account


  • you are  correct, I  did forget that.  you  see I am not a developer as  I  suspect  many on this board are. most of my projects  are  proof  of  concept, then I  write the specifications  up and turn it over to a developer.   so I actually do not know "create a table" command, I just copy an existing table and modify  accordingly.  I use MS Access connected  to my table to load data.  but I had a problem similar  to this about a year ago, and you are correct they asked  for create table and insert data statements and I figured it out.  Hold on I will do that again.

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