SQL Server 2008 On Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Hi Everybody;

    Is there anybody running SQL Server 2008 x64 on Windows Server 208 R2?
    I am working on a project that requires me to have this server but I am running on installation problems.
    I should add, the System Configuration Checker passes all settings, I am not getting any errors while installing other then the need to install SP1 once the installation completed, just at the end it shows the components were not installed.
    Any input will be appreciated.

    Thank you,


    J.C. Alexandres
    IT Professional

  • Please disregard this post, after so many attempts I finally was able to setup the database engine and other components.
    It seems the media was causing the issue, strange, but I've downloaded the ISO from the Open Licensing portal and that did work, somehow the original media got dmaged.
    Thank you everybody.

    J.C. Alexandres
    IT Professional

  • Alexandres,
    What does the setup log(s) say? BTW, did you try SlipStream setup?

  • Hi SS;

    I didn't try Slip Stream because I was reading someone with the same issue and didn't help. That's the weird thing, the log file would only show the installation failed, no errors.
    The last time I've tried with the media before opting to download a new ISO, I got a cyclic redundancy check error, inclusive I went and did check the main volume (RAID 1), but no errors, so I've suspected the media was the problem.

    Thank you,


    J.C. Alexandres
    IT Professional

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