Sorting to keep people and secretaries together

  • CREATE TABLE #tblExperts
            ExpertID int,
            Expert varchar(50)
    GOINSERT INTO #tblExperts(ExpertID, Expert)
    SELECT 1, 'Jane' UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, 'Chris' UNION ALL
    SELECT 3, 'Bill'

    SELECT * FROM #tblExperts E

    CREATE TABLE #tblSecretaries
    SecretaryID int,
    ExpertID int,
    Secretary varchar(50)


    INSERT INTO #tblSecretaries(SecretaryID, ExpertID, Secretary)
    SELECT 1,2, 'Mark' UNION ALL
    SELECT 2,3, 'Tina' UNION ALL
    SELECT 3,1, 'Tom'

    SELECT Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], '' AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
    INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A

    DROP TABLE #tblExperts
    DROP TABLE #tblSecretaries


    (I think) in the tables above we have some experts and some secretaries
    Chris has a secretary called Mark
    Bill has a secretary called Tina
    Jane has a secretary called Tom

    I want to return a list of Experts and their Secretaries. But I need it sorted alphabetically by Expert but with each Expert's secretary appearing after their expert

    So, the output should look like:
    Contact ... Role ............. SecretarysExpert
    Bill ........... Expert .........
    Tina ........ Secretary ....  Bill
    Chris ....... Expert .........
    Mark ....... Secretary ..... Chris
    Jane ....... Expert ...........
    Tom ........ Secretary ...... Jane

    So, thinking about the experts, they need to appear in alphabetical order, so Bill - Chris - Jane
    with each expert's secretary below the expert record.

    How can I sort this to make that happen?

  • What are you going to use this for? I'm asking because in SSRS, this is really simple. You would add a tablix to your report surface, and just group by Expert.

  • pietlinden - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 9:18 AM

    What are you going to use this for? I'm asking because in SSRS, this is really simple.

    It's going to be a stored procedure that is going to return a list of Experts/Secretaries/Their email addresses - and whether the expert is to be contacted, or their secretary, or both, to be called by a web application.

  • A simple change would be:
    SELECT Contact, Role, SecretarysExpert
    FROM (
    SELECT ExpertID, Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], '' AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT E.ExpertID, Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
      INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A
    ORDER BY ExpertID;

    Personally, however, if you have access to the database design, I would actually recommend using a self referencing table. Something like:
    --Create table
    CREATE TABLE #Contact
      (ContactID int NOT NULL,
      Contact varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      Role varchar(10),
      ExpertID int NULL);
    --Sample Data
    INSERT INTO #Contact
      (1, 'Jane', 'Expert', NULL),
      (2, 'Chris', 'Expert', NULL),
      (3, 'Bill', 'Expert', NULL),
      (4, 'Mark', 'Secretary', 2),
      (5, 'Tina', 'Secretary', 3),
      (6, 'Tom', 'Secretary', 1);
    --Sample Select
    SELECT C1.Contact,
       C2.Contact AS Expert
    FROM #Contact C1
      LEFT JOIN #Contact C2 ON C1.ExpertID = C2.ContactID
    ORDER BY ISNULL(C2.ContactID, C1.ContactID) DESC, Role;
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE #Contact;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 9:27 AM

    A simple change would be:
    SELECT Contact, Role, SecretarysExpert
    FROM (
    SELECT ExpertID, Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], '' AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT E.ExpertID, Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
      INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A
    ORDER BY ExpertID;

    Personally, however, if you have access to the database design, I would actually recommend using a self referencing table. Something like:
    --Create table
    CREATE TABLE #Contact
      (ContactID int NOT NULL,
      Contact varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      Role varchar(10),
      ExpertID int NULL);
    --Sample Data
    INSERT INTO #Contact
      (1, 'Jane', 'Expert', NULL),
      (2, 'Chris', 'Expert', NULL),
      (3, 'Bill', 'Expert', NULL),
      (4, 'Mark', 'Secretary', 2),
      (5, 'Tina', 'Secretary', 3),
      (6, 'Tom', 'Secretary', 1);
    --Sample Select
    SELECT C1.Contact,
       C2.Contact AS Expert
    FROM #Contact C1
      LEFT JOIN #Contact C2 ON C1.ExpertID = C2.ContactID
    ORDER BY ISNULL(C2.ContactID, C1.ContactID) DESC, Role;
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE #Contact;

    Thanks for your reply. I'd already tried your initial code - including and sorting by ExpertID. This does get the experts and secretaries together, but the experts are not in alphabetical order. They appear ordered by ExpertID which in this dataset orders the experts as Jane, Chris, Bill

    I do have access to the database structure, but I don't want to change from having the Experts in one table and the Secretaries in another.

  • webskater - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 10:04 AM

    Thom A - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 9:27 AM

    A simple change would be:
    SELECT Contact, Role, SecretarysExpert
    FROM (
    SELECT ExpertID, Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], '' AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT E.ExpertID, Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
      INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A
    ORDER BY ExpertID;

    Personally, however, if you have access to the database design, I would actually recommend using a self referencing table. Something like:
    --Create table
    CREATE TABLE #Contact
      (ContactID int NOT NULL,
      Contact varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      Role varchar(10),
      ExpertID int NULL);
    --Sample Data
    INSERT INTO #Contact
      (1, 'Jane', 'Expert', NULL),
      (2, 'Chris', 'Expert', NULL),
      (3, 'Bill', 'Expert', NULL),
      (4, 'Mark', 'Secretary', 2),
      (5, 'Tina', 'Secretary', 3),
      (6, 'Tom', 'Secretary', 1);
    --Sample Select
    SELECT C1.Contact,
       C2.Contact AS Expert
    FROM #Contact C1
      LEFT JOIN #Contact C2 ON C1.ExpertID = C2.ContactID
    ORDER BY ISNULL(C2.ContactID, C1.ContactID) DESC, Role;
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE #Contact;

    Thanks for your reply. I'd already tried your initial code - including and sorting by ExpertID. This does get the experts and secretaries together, but the experts are not in alphabetical order. They appear ordered by ExpertID which in this dataset orders the experts as Jane, Chris, Bill

    I do have access to the database structure, but I don't want to change from having the Experts in one table and the Secretaries in another.

    I seem to have found the answer ...

    SELECT ExpertID, Contact, Role, SecretarysExpert

    FROM (

    SELECT ExpertID, Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts


    SELECT E.ExpertID, Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]

    FROM #tblSecretaries S

    INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A

    ORDER BY SecretarysExpert;

  • webskater - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 10:04 AM

    Thom A - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 9:27 AM

    A simple change would be:
    SELECT Contact, Role, SecretarysExpert
    FROM (
    SELECT ExpertID, Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], '' AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT E.ExpertID, Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
      INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A
    ORDER BY ExpertID;

    Personally, however, if you have access to the database design, I would actually recommend using a self referencing table. Something like:
    --Create table
    CREATE TABLE #Contact
      (ContactID int NOT NULL,
      Contact varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      Role varchar(10),
      ExpertID int NULL);
    --Sample Data
    INSERT INTO #Contact
      (1, 'Jane', 'Expert', NULL),
      (2, 'Chris', 'Expert', NULL),
      (3, 'Bill', 'Expert', NULL),
      (4, 'Mark', 'Secretary', 2),
      (5, 'Tina', 'Secretary', 3),
      (6, 'Tom', 'Secretary', 1);
    --Sample Select
    SELECT C1.Contact,
       C2.Contact AS Expert
    FROM #Contact C1
      LEFT JOIN #Contact C2 ON C1.ExpertID = C2.ContactID
    ORDER BY ISNULL(C2.ContactID, C1.ContactID) DESC, Role;
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE #Contact;

    Thanks for your reply. I'd already tried your initial code - including and sorting by ExpertID. This does get the experts and secretaries together, but the experts are not in alphabetical order. They appear ordered by ExpertID which in this dataset orders the experts as Jane, Chris, Bill

    I do have access to the database structure, but I don't want to change from having the Experts in one table and the Secretaries in another.

    Sorry, hadn't noticed that, actually then modifing your existing query (note I have replaced '' with NULL):
    SELECT Expert AS [Contact], 'Expert' AS [Role], NULL AS [SecretarysExpert] FROM #tblExperts
    SELECT Secretary AS [Contact], 'Secretary' AS [Role], Expert AS [SecretarysExpert]
    FROM #tblSecretaries S
    INNER JOIN #tblExperts E ON S.ExpertID = E.ExpertID) A
    ORDER BY ISNULL([SecretarysExpert], [Contact]),Contact;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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