Upload Excel to Sharepoint library using SSIS

  • I tried to use SSIS package to get data from a SQL database, then exported to an excel file.
    Then copy the excel file to a sharepoint document library, and overwrite it if it exists.

    I am using SQL server 2016, cannot find a good task to use to complete this. I am a SQL developer, not knowing much about .net or C#.
    Any suggestions?


  • use SSRS, set up the report and schedule it.

    But, otherwise, you used to have to have a special file connection from codeplex to pull from/to SharePoint, not sure if that's still the case? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh368261.aspx

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  • If third-party tools are an option our solution can handle this quite easily. We have a Premium Excel Destination (as well as source) available in our SSIS Productivity Pack which supports our SharePoint Connection Manager. We also offer a Premium File Transfer Task (available in both SSIS Productivity Pack and our SharePoint toolkit) to assist with transferring of files which also supports our SharePoint Connection Manager.

  • Thanks!
    At this time I am not interested to purchase any third party tool to accomplish this.

    I tried to install the sharepoint adapter from codeplex site, I download the newest for SQL 2016.
    But after install I cannot find the components in SSIS toolbox of Visual Studio 2017.
    What should I do?

  • do you have an available SSRS server?

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  • Yes, we have SSRS server.

    But for this case, we only want to put the doc to sharepoint library.
    It is used for our network department sharepoint library .
    we pull some computer information from SQl server and export to excel and push to sharepoint document library.
    Disaster recovery documents.


  • right, but that's basically exactly what an SSRS subscription does. run a report from SQL, export in some format, save it somewhere. Think you should use that avenue, since it's available. You can hide the report so users don't see it to run it, or put it in a subfolder that they don't have access to on the server.

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  • Does the report subscription can push the excel file to a sharepoint document library?

    We here use sharepoint a lot, we want this document to be pushed to sharepoint library as other disaster recovery documents.

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