Project Deployment issue

  • When I Deploy SSIS Project from Visual Studio - package works as expected.
    When I deploy from the server

    Information Services Catalogs
    ------------Project (right click Deploy Project)

    Something goes wrong.
    I execute package without errors.
    Everything works except Script Task.
    It does not do the job.

  • What do the error messages display in the log? What is your script task doing? We need more detail. "Goes Wrong" means nothing.

    Can you provide much more concise information please.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • That's a puzzle.
    When I Execute package from Informati0on Services Catalogs
    I don't see any errors.
    All steps SUCCESS / Green.

    Script Task
    checks if the file exists and assigns a variable User::a_FileExists.

    But it does not matter what's the content of the Script Task.
    I did a dummy test package with two steps.
    1st step Execute SQL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- works
    2nd step Script Task  ( build Query and  cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() ) ---------------------- not working and no errors

    I suspect it has something to do with 
    ISDeploymentWizard.exe version.
    The version on my PC does the job.
    Maybe the version that is installed on our QA server is not good?

    Original package Script Task VB code:

    Public Sub Main()

       Dim l_InputFolder As String
       Dim l_FileMask As String

       l_InputFolder = ReadVariable("User::c_InputFolder").ToString
       l_FileMask = ReadVariable("User::c_FileMask").ToString

       Dim objDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(l_InputFolder)
       Dim objFile As FileInfo() = objDir.GetFiles(l_FileMask)

       If objFile.Length > 0 Then
        Dts.Variables("User::a_FileExists").Value = True
        Dts.Variables("User::a_FileExists").Value = False
       End If

       Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success

      End Sub

    Private Function ReadVariable(ByVal varName As String) As Object
       Dim result As Object
        Dim vars As Variables = Nothing
          result = vars(varName).Value
        End Try
       Catch ex As Exception
        Throw ex '//Handle things your way or throw back
       End Try
       Return result
      End Function

  • So what does it do? You said it's not working, not working how?

    Quick question as well, why are you using a separate function to get the value of a variable? Why not just:
    l_InputFolder = Dts.Variables("User::c_InputFolder").Value


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • The file is there.
    But Script Task reports file does not exist.

    If you use this method:
    l_InputFolder = Dts.Variables("User::c_InputFolder").Value
    You need to list all the variables in Script Task Editor.
    With my method, I don't care.

    are empty in my Script Task Editor.

  • Are you deploying on right server ? Also check the file path is correct

  • RVO - Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:51 PM

    The file is there.
    But Script Task reports file does not exist.

    If you use this method:
    l_InputFolder = Dts.Variables("User::c_InputFolder").Value
    You need to list all the variables in Script Task Editor.
    With my method, I don't care.

    are empty in my Script Task Editor.

    You don't need to list them all, only the one's you care about, in your case, User::c_InputFolder and User::c_FileMask and read, and User::a_FileExists as ReadWrite. That's 3 variables. That's not a lot.

    Hoever, considering that you stated ReadWrite Variable has no variables; you don't ever unlock your variable User::a_FileExists, so how are you assigning to it?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A.
    My method works. I like it. If you don't understand it, that's fine.
    It has nothing to do with the topic I am discussing.
    Don't deviate from the main issue.

    I did a test.
    I setup SSIS with T-SQL:
    use SSISDB

    DECLARE @ProjectBinary VARBINARY(MAX);
    DECLARE @operation_id BIGINT;

    SET @ProjectBinary =

    EXEC catalog.deploy_project
    @folder_name = 'XXXX',
    @project_name = 'XXXX_NewETL',
    @Project_Stream = @ProjectBinary,
    @operation_id = @operation_id out;

    Then I setup SQL Agent job with Step "Run AS" SSISProxy account
    that has access to file/folders.

    I execute the job.
    It deploys project ok.
    I execute new package.
    Script Task works.

    BINGO !!
    It all depends on who deploys ISPAC.

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