Be careful when implicitly converting data types in T-SQL. Directly assigning 1.5 (either as a FLOAT or a NUMERIC) to an INT value in SQL Server may truncate the value to 1 rather than rounding it up as you might expect. Explicitly calling ROUND( ,0) as part of the assignment will round 1.5 up to 2.
Here's an example:
DECLARE @NumericValue NUMERIC(10,1) = 1.5;
DECLARE @FloatValue FLOAT(53) = 1.5;
SET @Value = @NumericValue; --Not calling ROUND()
SELECT @Value; --Returns 1
SET @Value = @FloatValue; --Not calling ROUND()
SELECT @Value; --Returns 1
SET @Value = ROUND(@NumericValue,0);
SELECT @Value; --Returns 2
SET @Value = ROUND(@FloatValue,0);
SELECT @Value; --Returns 2