Creating a column using a select where statement

  • I am trying to create columns by a time frame where column a would be from 8am to 10am, column b would be from 10am to 12pm, etc..

    This is what I have so far, I would like to create a column using the AS Average_of_Rev_Percent_Utilization, AVERAGE_of_Xmit_Percent_Utilization, COUNT_of_Interface_Caption for each of my time slot windows. (I know there where statements in the Case function are not valid I am just giving you an example of what I am trying to pull out)

    AVG(Case InBandwidth
                                             When 0 Then 0
                                             Else (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100
                                             End) ""WHERE ((DatePart(Hour,DateTime) >= 8) AND (DatePart(Hour,DateTime) <= 10))AS AVERAGE_of_Recv_Percent_Utilization_0800_1000,

    AVG(Case InBandwidth
                                             When 0 Then 0
                                             Else (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100
                                             End) ""WHERE ((DatePart(Hour,DateTime) >= 10) AND (DatePart(Hour,DateTime) <= 12))AS AVERAGE_of_Recv_Percent_Utilization_1000_1200,

    Here is the code that I am using in my query
    AVG(Case InBandwidth
                                             When 0 Then 0
                                             Else (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100
                                             End) AS AVERAGE_of_Recv_Percent_Utilization,
      AVG(Case OutBandwidth
                                            When 0 Then 0
                                            Else (Out_Averagebps/OutBandwidth) * 100
                                            End) AS AVERAGE_of_Xmit_Percent_Utilization,
      SUM(    CASE
                WHEN Out_MAXBps/OutBandwidth*100.0 > 90 OR In_MAXBps/InBandwidth*100.0 > 90 THEN 1
                ELSE 0
            ) AS COUNT_of_Interface_Caption,

    thanks in advance

  • First, based on the code you've posted, data for the 10am hour will duplicated in both time frames you've defined.  There was another article posted by Bob Hovious today on this very subject:

  • Bert-701015 - Friday, December 8, 2017 1:58 PM

    First, based on the code you've posted, data for the 10am hour will duplicated in both time frames you've defined.  There was another article posted by Bob Hovious today on this very subject:

    Thank you I will read over this

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