Send mail from stored procedure

  • I have a stored procedure that is used for a report.   I am being asked to have an email go to one person every Monday.  I wrote a stored procedure that I will run as a job in SQL Server Agent.

    I am getting the following error when I try to execute the procedure

    Failed to initialize sqlcmd library with error number -2147467259.

    Here is my procedure

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[BobReport]



    DECLARE @now varchar(50), @mailBody varchar(max)

    SET @now = CONVERT(varchar(20), GETDATE(),100)
    SET @mailBody = 'Deactivated positions as of ' + @now +char(13)+char(10)+char(13)+char(10) + 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply'

    DECLARE @Temp Table
        Position varchar(100),
        StoreNumber int,
        Manager varchar(75),
        StatusDate datetime

    INSERT @Temp
        EXECUTE ActiveRetailJobsReport 2,null,null,4 

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
        @profile_name ='myProfile',
        @recipients='Bobs email',
        @query = 'SELECT * FROM @Temp',
        @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report' ,
        @body = @mailBody,
        @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

    I have tried  using a  temporary table instead of the table variable and still receive the same error

    Here is the ActiveRetailJobsReport procedure in case that is needed

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ActiveRetailJobsReport]

    @ReportType int,
    @Store int = NULL,
    @District int = NULL,
    @Zone int = NULL



    --This report will work with 2 table variables that we will loop through when set to all stores, a district or a zone, an individual store will only loop through the @Jobs table variable.

    --Insert the jobs that are controlled by the stores. Only the jobs that are marked as Retail (JobType 1) and those that do not allow resumes are controlled by the store
    DECLARE @Jobs table
    JobID int,
    JobTitle varchar(100),
    tid int identity
    INSERT @Jobs
            AllowResumes = 0
            JobType = 1

    DECLARE @Locations table
        LocationID int,
        StoreNumber int,
        tid int identity

    DECLARE @Temp table
    JobTitle varchar(100),
    StoreNumber int,
    MgrName varchar(75),
    StatusDate datetime
    DECLARE @StartL int, @StopL int, @StartJ int, @StopJ int, @LocationID int, @JobID int, @JobTitle varchar(100), @StoreNumber int, @MgrName varchar(75), @StatusDate datetime

    SET @StartJ = 1
    SELECT @StopJ = COUNT(*) + 1 FROM @Jobs

    IF @ReportType = 1 --- All Stores
             INSERT @Locations
                SELECT LocationID, StoreNumber FROM dbo.Locations WHERE Deleted = 0 AND NOT StoreNumber IN (0,888,995,996,997,998,999)
            SET @StartL = 1
            SELECT @StopL = Count(*) + 1 FROM @Locations

            WHILE @StartJ < @StopJ
                    SELECT @JobID = JobID, @JobTitle = JobTitle FROM @Jobs WHERE tid = @StartJ
                    WHILE @StartL < @StopL
                            SELECT @LocationID = LocationID, @StoreNumber = StoreNumber FROM @Locations WHERE tid = @StartL

                            -- Check to see if the job is active if it does not exist then we know it is not active
                            IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT JobID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID)
                                    --Look to see if there is a record in the JobStatusLog table. This table is new as of the date this procedure was created so there are no records right now
                                    IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 AdminUser FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC)
                                            --There is a record so assign the variable names for Admin user and date that the job was deactivated
                                            SELECT TOP 1 @MgrName = AdminUser, @StatusDate = StatusDate FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC
                                            -- no records found so set variables to null
                                            SET @MgrName = NULL
                                            SET @StatusDate = NULL
                                    INSERT @Temp
                            SET @StartL = @StartL + 1
                    SET @StartJ = @StartJ + 1
                    --Reset The inner loop to 1
                    SET @StartL = 1

    IF @ReportType = 2 -- Zone
            INSERT @Locations
                SELECT LocationID, StoreNumber FROM dbo.Locations WHERE ZoneID = @Zone AND Deleted = 0
            SET @StartL = 1
            SELECT @StopL = Count(*) + 1 FROM @Locations

            WHILE @StartJ < @StopJ
                    SELECT @JobID = JobID, @JobTitle = JobTitle FROM @Jobs WHERE tid = @StartJ
                    WHILE @StartL < @StopL
                            SELECT @LocationID = LocationID, @StoreNumber = StoreNumber FROM @Locations WHERE tid = @StartL

                            -- Check to see if the job is active if it does not exist then we know it is not active
                            IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT JobID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID)
                                    --Look to see if there is a record in the JobStatusLog table. This table is new as of the date this procedure was created so there are no records right now
                                    IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 AdminUser FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC)
                                            --There is a record so assign the variable names for Admin user and date that the job was deactivated
                                            SELECT TOP 1 @MgrName = AdminUser, @StatusDate = StatusDate FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC
                                            -- no records found so set variables to null
                                            SET @MgrName = NULL
                                            SET @StatusDate = NULL
                                    INSERT @Temp
                            SET @StartL = @StartL + 1
                    SET @StartJ = @StartJ + 1
                    --Reset The inner loop to 1
                    SET @StartL = 1


    IF @ReportType = 3 -- District
            INSERT @Locations
                SELECT LocationID, StoreNumber FROM dbo.Locations WHERE DistrictID = @District AND Deleted = 0
            SET @StartL = 1
            SELECT @StopL = Count(*) + 1 FROM @Locations

            WHILE @StartJ < @StopJ
                    SELECT @JobID = JobID, @JobTitle = JobTitle FROM @Jobs WHERE tid = @StartJ
                    WHILE @StartL < @StopL
                            SELECT @LocationID = LocationID, @StoreNumber = StoreNumber FROM @Locations WHERE tid = @StartL

                            -- Check to see if the job is active if it does not exist then we know it is not active
                            IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT JobID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID)
                                    --Look to see if there is a record in the JobStatusLog table. This table is new as of the date this procedure was created so there are no records right now
                                    IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 AdminUser FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC)
                                            --There is a record so assign the variable names for Admin user and date that the job was deactivated
                                            SELECT TOP 1 @MgrName = AdminUser, @StatusDate = StatusDate FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @LocationID AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC
                                            -- no records found so set variables to null
                                            SET @MgrName = NULL
                                            SET @StatusDate = NULL
                                    INSERT @Temp
                            SET @StartL = @StartL + 1
                    SET @StartJ = @StartJ + 1
                    --Reset The inner loop to 1
                    SET @StartL = 1


    IF @ReportType = 4 --- Individual Store
            WHILE @StartJ < @StopJ
                    SELECT @StoreNumber = StoreNumber FROM dbo.Locations WHERE LocationID = @Store
                    SELECT @JobID = JobID, @JobTitle = JobTitle FROM @Jobs WHERE tid = @StartJ
                    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT JobID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @Store)
                            --Look to see if there is a record in the JobStatusLog table. This table is new as of the date this procedure was created so there are no records right now
                            IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 AdminUser FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @Store AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC)
                                    --There is a record so assign the variable names for Admin user and date that the job was deactivated
                                    SELECT TOP 1 @MgrName = AdminUser, @StatusDate = StatusDate FROM dbo.JobStatusLog WHERE JobID = @JobID AND LocationID = @Store AND Active = 0 ORDER BY StatusDate DESC
                                    -- no records found so set variables to null
                                    SET @MgrName = NULL
                                    SET @StatusDate = NULL
                            INSERT @Temp
                    SET @StartJ = @StartJ + 1


  • You can't do any of that because your temp tables, table variables etc do not exist in the same scope when sp_send_dbmail executes.
    Somehow, you need to engineer things such that the whole query can be executed as part of the @query = parameter.


    I use like a charm and super easy to setup.

  • chef423 - Thursday, October 26, 2017 2:26 PM

    I use like a charm and super easy to setup.

    Would it solve this particular problem, or are you spamming?

  • Phil Parkin - Thursday, October 26, 2017 2:28 PM

    chef423 - Thursday, October 26, 2017 2:26 PM

    I use like a charm and super easy to setup.

    Would it solve this particular problem, or are you spamming?

    No, I am trying to help ?
    He was asking how to send a file output from SQL...maybe I didn't read correctly?

    SendMail is 100% nothing to spam. But my apologies if I read that incorrectly.

  • Well crap...  I was afraid of that.    It is not a simple query which is why I showed the 2nd sproc.  This Manager is in charge of a number of stores  and when the jobs are active( when they are hiring for the position) they are held in a many to many relationship table.  But this report is based on when they are NOT active (not in the table) so there is no way to do a join

  • Thanks chef  but command line wont cut it either.     btw  she not he.

  • mjohnson 71479 - Thursday, October 26, 2017 2:42 PM

    Well crap...  I was afraid of that.    It is not a simple query which is why I showed the 2nd sproc.  This Manager is in charge of a number of stores  and when the jobs are active( when they are hiring for the position) they are held in a many to many relationship table.  But this report is based on when they are NOT active (not in the table) so there is no way to do a join

    However, there is nothing stopping you from populating a persisted physical table with the results and then selecting from that.

  • I just needed to think outside of the T-SQL box and use a non-ANSI join.  I have it working  now

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BobReport]



    DECLARE @now varchar(50), @mailBody varchar(max)

    SET @now = CONVERT(varchar(20), GETDATE(),100)
    SET @mailBody = 'Deactivated positions as of ' + @now + char(13)+char(10)+char(13)+char(10) + 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply'

    IF EXISTS(SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
            AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1)))
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs Email',
                @query = 'SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
                 AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1))',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report' ,
                @body = @mailBody,
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs email',
                @query = 'SELECT ''No Positions have been deactivated across the zone.''',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report - No Deactivations' ,
                @body = 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply',
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ;

  • mjohnson 71479 - Thursday, October 26, 2017 3:36 PM

    I just needed to think outside of the T-SQL box and use a non-ANSI join.  I have it working  now

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BobReport]



    DECLARE @now varchar(50), @mailBody varchar(max)

    SET @now = CONVERT(varchar(20), GETDATE(),100)
    SET @mailBody = 'Deactivated positions as of ' + @now + char(13)+char(10)+char(13)+char(10) + 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply'

    IF EXISTS(SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
            AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1)))
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs Email',
                @query = 'SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
                 AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1))',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report' ,
                @body = @mailBody,
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs email',
                @query = 'SELECT ''No Positions have been deactivated across the zone.''',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report - No Deactivations' ,
                @body = 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply',
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ;

    Just a thought... we don't allow non-maintenance procs to send emails where I work because, as you have done, the email address(es) would frequently be hard coded.  When some would copy the proc from prod to the Dev or Test environments, they would forget to change the email address and, during the testing, the recipient's hair would catch fire because they would catch all of the emails that said stuff was either broken or the test data was reflected instead of real data and the recipient(s) would spend the day bugging everyone as to what went wrong.

    Since your already using SQL Agent to schedule the creation and emailing of this report, I recommend a 2 step process for the job... the first step would be to create the report using the stored procedure and the second step would be to email it.  That way, the proc is only doing one thing (which should generally be the case for most procs) and it can be copied to other environments without risk of false alarms and the resulting need for cranial fire-fighting apparatus. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden - Thursday, October 26, 2017 8:22 PM

    mjohnson 71479 - Thursday, October 26, 2017 3:36 PM

    I just needed to think outside of the T-SQL box and use a non-ANSI join.  I have it working  now

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BobReport]



    DECLARE @now varchar(50), @mailBody varchar(max)

    SET @now = CONVERT(varchar(20), GETDATE(),100)
    SET @mailBody = 'Deactivated positions as of ' + @now + char(13)+char(10)+char(13)+char(10) + 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply'

    IF EXISTS(SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
            AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1)))
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs Email',
                @query = 'SELECT J.JobTitle, L.StoreNumber FROM dbo.Jobs J, dbo.Locations L WHERE J.AllowResumes = 0 AND J.JobType = 1 AND J.Deleted = 0 AND L.ZoneID = 4 AND L.LocationID <> 191
                 AND L.Deleted = 0 AND L.LocationID NOT IN (SELECT LocationID FROM dbo.JobLocations WHERE JobID IN (SELECT JobID FROM dbo.Jobs    WHERE AllowResumes = 0 AND JobType = 1))',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report' ,
                @body = @mailBody,
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name ='my profile',
                @recipients='Bobs email',
                @query = 'SELECT ''No Positions have been deactivated across the zone.''',
                @subject = 'Deactivated Position Report - No Deactivations' ,
                @body = 'Automated Email - Do Not Reply',
                @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ;

    Just a thought... we don't allow non-maintenance procs to send emails where I work because, as you have done, the email address(es) would frequently be hard coded.  When some would copy the proc from prod to the Dev or Test environments, they would forget to change the email address and, during the testing, the recipient's hair would catch fire because they would catch all of the emails that said stuff was either broken or the test data was reflected instead of real data and the recipient(s) would spend the day bugging everyone as to what went wrong.

    Since your already using SQL Agent to schedule the creation and emailing of this report, I recommend a 2 step process for the job... the first step would be to create the report using the stored procedure and the second step would be to email it.  That way, the proc is only doing one thing (which should generally be the case for most procs) and it can be copied to other environments without risk of false alarms and the resulting need for cranial fire-fighting apparatus. 😉

    Another method is to set up a Configuration Settings table that holds different values for Prod and Test (and Dev too, if you need that flexibility). 
    Columns like 
    Job Name ("Deactivation email report")
    Setting name ("EmailTo")
    Value ("Bob's email address")
    Environment ("Prod")
    When you put in values for the test environment, you'd use "Developer's email address" or "Tester's email address" instead.
    Then when you run the job, 
    SELECT @SendTo = Value
    FROM ConfigSettings
    WHERE JobName = 'Deactivation email report' AND SetName = 'EmailTo' AND Environment = 'Prod'; -- or 'Test' as applicable

    And then when Bob moves on to a bigger and better position, you just change the value in the ConfigSettings table to "New-Bob's email address".

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