a) 1
b) 2
c) More than 1
Answer :- Option a) 1
In SQL Server, we can Insert only one null value in a column where we have defined the Unique Constraint.
For Example , suppose we made a table test_unique, whose script is given below:-
create table test_unique (id int unique)
Now we insert the following values in it.
insert into test_unique(id) values (1)
insert into test_unique(id) values (2)
insert into test_unique(id) values (NULL)
insert into test_unique(id) values (3)
Here we inserted one null value before inserting 3.
If we see the records in the table , it shows the following data.
Let try to insert another NULL value and see what error it gives.
insert into test_unique(id) values (NULL)
Then it will gives the following error
So, In SQL server we can insert only one NULL value in a column where Unique constraint is defined.