Analysis Services task throwing error when TargetServerVersion for project set to SQL2016

  • I have a package that utilizes several Analysis Services Processing tasks that are currently housed on an instance of SSIS on SQL 2012.  I want to upgrade the packages for our new 2016 SQL instance using SSDT (visual studio 2015).  I created a new project with the TargetServerVersion set to SQL Server 2016.  When I import the packages and upgrade them, all of the packages are fine except the ones with the AS tasks.  When I try to open one of the AS Tasks, I get an error: 

    Method not found: 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ErrorConfiguration Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Commands.BatchCommand.get_ErrorConfiguration()'.

    I thought there must be something wrong with SSDT, so I created another project setting targetVersion to 2012, and I can open it fine.  when I set it to SQL Server vNext, it's fine.  It's only when I have it set to 2016 that I have an issue and that's the version of the server I'm deploying to.
    I was looking at this post, thinking I might be missing a DLL necessary, but I'm finding the right one for 2016, so I'm stumped (MSOLAP.7 released in SQL Server 2016 (filename is msolap130.dll))

    What DLL is vNext using?  There is a dll called msolap.dll located here -C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Analysis Services\AS OLEDB\140, figuring that might be it.

    I guess I'm trying to narrow down why it'd be fine with the TargetServerVersion set to 2012 or vNext, but craps out when I have it set to 2016.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • I'm encountering the same issue after upgrading SSIS 2014 to 2016. I have Data Tools 14.0.61707.300

    The issue seems to be related to the version of Data Tools installed according to this post:
    It suggests using 14.0.61021.0 (SSDT 16.5). It can be downloaded below:

    I created a Connect item here, please vote for it

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