Dynamic tsql help

  • have a form that had 5 rows with 3 dropdowns per row. The first dropdown in each row is list of categories (None (0), Scoring (1), Rebounds (2), etc...), second is a > (1) or = (0) option and then the third is 0 to 100 options.  If no category selected it just outputs all the data.  If row 1 category is only one selected it would only first by that category.  If row 2 category is also selected then the condition of both would be met, if row 3 category is selected then all three conditions must be met.  Looking to create a dynamic way.

    I have created a sample sql query to test below but can't get it to return results based on the categories that are selected.

    Thanks for any info you can provide to help me do this the proper way.

    DECLARE @Players as TABLE (p_id int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, p_username varchar(50))
    INSERT INTO @Players (p_username) VALUES ('Jeff 1')
    INSERT INTO @Players (p_username) VALUES ('John 2')
    INSERT INTO @Players (p_username) VALUES ('Larry 3')
    INSERT INTO @Players (p_username) VALUES ('Bill 4')

    DECLARE @category as TABLE (cat_id int IDENTITY(1,1), cat_name varchar(50))
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('scoring 1')
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('rebounds 2')
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('steals 3')
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('assists 4')
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('free-throw attempts 5')
    INSERT INTO @category (cat_name) VALUES ('free-throws made 6')

    DECLARE @points as TABLE (pt_id int IDENTITY(1,1), p_id int, pt_total int, cat_id int)
    --Jeff scoring
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 10, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 15, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 12, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 17, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 10, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 11, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 9, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 8, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 14, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 13, 1)
    --Jeff rebounding
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 2, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 3, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 1, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 1, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 1, 2)
    --Jeff steals
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 1, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 2, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (1, 1, 3)

    --John scoring
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 20, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 15, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 22, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 17, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 10, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 11, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 19, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 18, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 14, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 13, 1)
    --John rebounding
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 1, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 1, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 1, 2)
    --John steals
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 3, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 2, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (2, 2, 3)

    --Larry scoring
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 10, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 10, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 14, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 13, 1)
    --Larry rebounding
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 1, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 1, 2)
    --Larry steals
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 5, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 2, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (3, 4, 3)

    --Bill scoring
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 20, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 20, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 24, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 23, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 12, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 11, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 13, 1)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 14, 1)
    --Bill rebounding
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 12, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 10, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 3, 2)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 4, 2)
    --Bill steals
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 1, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 1, 3)
    INSERT INTO @points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES (4, 1, 3)

    /*SELECT * FROM @category
    SELECT * FROM @Players

    DECLARE @Cat1 int
    DECLARE @Cat1Sign int
    DECLARE @Cat1Value int
    DECLARE @Cat2 int
    DECLARE @Cat2Sign int
    DECLARE @Cat2Value int
    DECLARE @Cat3 int
    DECLARE @Cat3Sign int
    DECLARE @Cat3Value int

    --@Cat#Sign = 0 is equal sign, @Cat#Sign = 1 is greater then sign

    SET @Cat1 = 1
    SET @Cat1Sign = 1
    SET @Cat1Value = 100
    SET @Cat2 = 2
    SET @Cat2Sign = 1
    SET @Cat2Value = 7
    SET @Cat3 = 0
    SET @Cat3Sign = 0
    SET @Cat3Value = 0

    DECLARE @tmpPointsSumbyCat as TABLE (ID int IDENTITY(1,1), p_id int, pt_total int, cat_id int)
    INSERT INTO @tmpPointsSumbyCat
    SELECT p_id, sum(pt_total) as pt_total, cat_id
    FROM @points
    GROUP BY p_id, cat_id

    -- want to see everyone that has over 100 points (cat_id = 1) AND over 7 rebounds (cat_id = 2)
    -- I could also have another filter with cat3 which all would have to meet criteria
    -- not sure why this is not returning results

    SELECT *
    FROM @tmpPointsSumbyCat
    WHERE (@Cat1 = 0 OR ((cat_id = @Cat1 AND @Cat1Sign = 1 AND pt_total > @Cat1Value) OR (cat_id = @Cat1 AND @Cat1Sign = 0 AND pt_total = @Cat1Value)))
    AND (@Cat2 = 0 OR ((cat_id = @Cat2 AND @Cat2Sign = 1 AND pt_total > @Cat2Value) OR (cat_id = @Cat2 AND @Cat2Sign = 0 AND pt_total = @Cat2Value)))

  • Well, the reason it is not returning results is your where clause.
    since @Cat1 does not equal 0 AND @Cat2 doesn't equal 0, one of your OR conditions needs to be met in each line.  Since cat_id cannot be both @Cat1 AND @Cat2 (unless @Cat1 = @Cat2 which it does not), your where clause is filtering out all possible results.

    As a thought (I did not test this), you should get results if you comment out the last line (the one that starts out with "AND (@Cat2 = 0 ..."), but it will only give results if @Cat1 is 0 and ignore the @Cat2 stuff.
    I think for the results you want though, you will want to change the last line to start with "OR" instead of "AND".  The problem with that is that in the event that @Cat2 is 0, it will return everything in the table.  I think you will want to remove the "AND (@Cat2 = 0 OR" and replace it with "OR (".

    So, I'd change the last where clause to:
    WHERE (@Cat1 = 0 OR ((cat_id = @Cat1 AND @Cat1Sign = 1 AND pt_total > @Cat1Value) OR (cat_id = @Cat1 AND @Cat1Sign = 0 AND pt_total = @Cat1Value)))
    OR (((cat_id = @Cat2 AND @Cat2Sign = 1 AND pt_total > @Cat2Value) OR (cat_id = @Cat2 AND @Cat2Sign = 0 AND pt_total = @Cat2Value)))
    and you should get expected results, no?

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • You may want to PIVOT the points (pt_total) for each category (cat_id)

    SELECT p_id, SUM([1]) scores, SUM([2]) rebounds, SUM([3]) steals
    FROM @points
    PIVOT (SUM(pt_total)
       FOR cat_id IN ([1],[2], [3])
       ) p
    GROUP BY p_id
    HAVING SUM([1]) > 100
     AND SUM([2]) > 7

    p_id    scores    rebounds    steals
    1       119       8           4
    4       137       29          3

  • See what you think of the following...


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Players', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Players;
    CREATE TABLE #Players (
        p_id int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
        p_username varchar(50)
    INSERT INTO #Players (p_username) VALUES
        ('Jeff 1'), ('John 2'), ('Larry 3'), ('Bill 4');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#category', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #category;
    CREATE TABLE #category (
        cat_id int IDENTITY(1,1),
        cat_name varchar(50)
    INSERT INTO #category (cat_name) VALUES
        ('scoring 1'), ('rebounds 2'), ('steals 3'), ('assists 4'),
        ('free-throw attempts 5'), ('free-throws made 6');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#points', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #points;
    CREATE TABLE #points (
        pt_id int IDENTITY(1,1),
        p_id int,
        pt_total int,
        cat_id INT
    --Jeff scoring
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (1, 10, 1), (1, 15, 1), (1, 12, 1), (1, 17, 1), (1, 10, 1),
        (1, 11, 1), (1, 9, 1), (1, 8, 1), (1, 14, 1), (1, 13, 1);

    --Jeff rebounding
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (1, 2, 2), (1, 3, 2), (1, 1, 2), (1, 1, 2), (1, 1, 2);

    --Jeff steals
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (1, 1, 3), (1, 2, 3), (1, 1, 3);

    --John scoring
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (2, 20, 1), (2, 15, 1), (2, 22, 1), (2, 17, 1), (2, 10, 1),
        (2, 11, 1), (2, 19, 1), (2, 18, 1), (2, 14, 1), (2, 13, 1);

    --John rebounding
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (2, 1, 2), (2, 1, 2), (2, 1, 2);

    --John steals
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (2, 3, 3), (2, 2, 3), (2, 2, 3);

    --Larry scoring
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (3, 10, 1), (3, 10, 1), (3, 14, 1), (3, 13, 1);

    --Larry rebounding
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (3, 1, 2), (3, 1, 2);

    --Larry steals
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (3, 5, 3), (3, 2, 3), (3, 4, 3);

    --Bill scoring
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (4, 20, 1), (4, 20, 1), (4, 24, 1), (4, 23, 1),
        (4, 12, 1), (4, 11, 1), (4, 13, 1), (4, 14, 1);

    --Bill rebounding
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (4, 12, 2), (4, 10, 2), (4, 3, 2), (4, 4, 2);

    --Bill steals
    INSERT INTO #points (p_id, pt_total, cat_id) VALUES
        (4, 1, 3), (4, 1, 3), (4, 1, 3);


        @Cat1 INT, @Cat1Sign INT, @Cat1Value INT,
        @Cat2 INT, @Cat2Sign INT, @Cat2Value INT,
        @Cat3 INT, @Cat3Sign INT, @Cat3Value INT;

    --@Cat#Sign = 0 is equal sign, @Cat#Sign = 1 is greater then sign
        @Cat1 = 1, @Cat1Sign = 1, @Cat1Value = 100,
        @Cat2 = 2, @Cat2Sign = 1, @Cat2Value = 7,
        @Cat3 = 0, @Cat3Sign = 0, @Cat3Value = 0;

        @Category NVARCHAR(4000),
        @sql NVARCHAR(4000),
        @DeBug BIT = 0;        -- 0 = execute @sql ... 1 = print @sql

        @Category = CONCAT(@Category, N',
        [', c.cat_name, '] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = ', c.cat_id, ' THEN pt.pt_total END)')
        #category c

    SET @sql = CONCAT(N'
        @Category, N',
        [point total] = SUM(pt.pt_total)
        #Players p
        JOIN #points pt
            ON p.p_id = pt.p_id
    HAVING 1 = 1',
        AND SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = @_Cat1 THEN pt.pt_total END) ', CASE WHEN @Cat1Sign = 0 THEN N'=' ELSE N'>' END, N' @_Cat1Value')
        AND SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = @_Cat2 THEN pt.pt_total END) ', CASE WHEN @Cat1Sign = 0 THEN N'=' ELSE N'>' END, N' @_Cat2Value')
        AND SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = @_Cat3 THEN pt.pt_total END) ', CASE WHEN @Cat1Sign = 0 THEN N'=' ELSE N'>' END, N' @_Cat3Value')
    END, ';')

    IF @DeBug = 1
        EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@_Cat1 INT, @_Cat1Value INT, @_Cat2 INT, @_Cat2Value INT, @_Cat3 INT, @_Cat3Value INT', @Cat1, @Cat1Value, @Cat2, @Cat2Value, @Cat3, @Cat3Value;

    When @DeBug  = 1, this is the printed @sql...
        [scoring 1] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 1 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [rebounds 2] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 2 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [steals 3] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 3 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [assists 4] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 4 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [free-throw attempts 5] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 5 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [free-throws made 6] = SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = 6 THEN pt.pt_total END),
        [point total] = SUM(pt.pt_total)
        #Players p
        JOIN #points pt
            ON p.p_id = pt.p_id
    HAVING 1 = 1
        AND SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = @_Cat1 THEN pt.pt_total END) > @_Cat1Value
        AND SUM(CASE WHEN pt.cat_id = @_Cat2 THEN pt.pt_total END) > @_Cat2Value;

    When @DeBug  = 0, this is the executed @sql...

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