Error with parameters in OLEDB Source "execute with results"

  • hi All,

    I have a package , where i get the results from a storedprocedure and send it to a file.

    meaning OLED source ( sql command) ---> Flatfile.

    Pacakge runs fine if i pass paramters directly but when I map it through paramters tab. It throws error.

    EXEC [dbo].[Sales] @StartDate=? , @EndDate=?









    The paramaters mapped to a variables which are string type.

    @StartDate='20160601' , @EndDate='20160708' ...this works fine if i manually assign values.

    If i map it variables it throws error " cannot convert varcahr to numeric"

    Please suggest.

  • komal145 (12/8/2016)

    hi All,

    I have a package , where i get the results from a storedprocedure and send it to a file.

    meaning OLED source ( sql command) ---> Flatfile.

    Pacakge runs fine if i pass paramters directly but when I map it through paramters tab. It throws error.

    EXEC [dbo].[Sales] @StartDate=? , @EndDate=?









    The paramaters mapped to a variables which are string type.

    @StartDate='20160601' , @EndDate='20160708' ...this works fine if i manually assign values.

    If i map it variables it throws error " cannot convert varcahr to numeric"

    Please suggest.

    could it be your result sets?

    i know you pseudocoded the result sets for the example you pasted , but if you define your results set to be

    like this:




    A money,

    ,B money,

    ,C money



    if your stored procedure actually returns a varchar for any of the columns (ie an empty string for some value), you would get that same error.

    for stored procedure results like that, i typically insert into a temp table, then script/interogate the tempdb.sys.columns to get the exact data type being used for the results.

    --insert the stored procs results into a temp table so i can script the resultset, then remove the temporary insert into


    TOP 3


    INTO #temp

    FROM sys.objects

    --use this to build the resultset actual datatype/size

    SELECT [colz].name,[colz].column_id,TYPE_NAME([colz].user_type_id),[colz].[max_length],[colz].[precision],[colz].[scale]

    FROM tempdb.sys.columns colz

    WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#temp')

    ORDER BY column_id


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell, that's a neat trick!

    Next step would be some refinement to return the actual SQL needed, ready for cut & paste. This sort of thing (borrowing your code):

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #temp;



    INTO #temp

    FROM sys.objects;

    --use this to build the resultset actual datatype/size


    , colz.column_id

    , TYPE_NAME(colz.user_type_id)

    , colz.max_length

    , colz.precision

    , colz.scale

    , script = CONCAT('[',, '] ', TYPE_NAME(colz.user_type_id), lth.Lth,',')


    tempdb.sys.columns colz



    SELECT Lth = (CASE

    WHEN TYPE_NAME(colz.user_type_id) IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar') THEN

    CONCAT('(', CAST(colz.max_length AS VARCHAR(4)),')')





    ) lth

    WHERE colz.object_id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#temp')

    ORDER BY colz.column_id;

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