Today I woke up to find that Thomas LaRock (blog | twitter | linkedin) has added me to his SQL Server Blogger Rankings list. WOW! I’m completely honored to be listed among this world-class list of the best bloggers in the industry. He created a new section on the list for ‘Virtualization’ blogs, and my friend Allan Hirt (blog | twitter | linkedin) of SQLHA and I were added to this new category. Another Linchpin People associate, Joey D’Antoni (blog | twitter | linkedin), was also added to the list to the msdb category. That makes six Linchpin People on the list!
If you are looking for the best SQL Server blogs in the world to follow, start at his list. I have been constantly updating my blogroll for years now from the recommendations made in this list. I am proud to have made it onto this list, and I will continue to bring you educational content that will help you with your business technology!