• Hi everyone,
    I'm a NooB at SQL XML creation so hoping you can help me out here.

    I have a query like this:

    SET @AcuteCare = (        
                DBName AS server,             
                'True' AS integratedSecurity,
                15 AS connectionTimeout,
                -1 AS protocol,
                4096 AS packetSize,
                'False' AS encrypted,
                'True' AS selected,
                DBName AS cserver
            FROM dbo.Instances
            WHERE dbname LIKE 'mavscm%db003p'
            ORDER BY DBName
            FOR XML RAW('ReplaceMe'), ROOT('AcuteCare'), TYPE, ELEMENTS

    And it generates this:

    What I actually need for the "ReplaceMe" tag is <value version="5" type="database"> and its closing tag.
    Is this possible to do?  I'm creating the XML document on the fly by querying data from non-XML tables.

    Thanks for any help.

  • This should get you pretty close to it I think.  You're looking to populate attributes of an element, which all get prefixed with @ when you name them.

    SET @AcuteCare = (
     5 as  '@version',
    'database' as '@type',

    DBName AS server,
    'True' AS integratedSecurity,
    15 AS connectionTimeout,
    -1 AS protocol,
    4096 AS packetSize,
    'False' AS encrypted,
    'True' AS selected,
    DBName AS cserver
    FROM dbo.Instances
    WHERE dbname LIKE 'mavscm%db003p'
    FOR XML RAW('value'), ROOT('AcuteCare'), TYPE, ELEMENTS

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Further on Matt's good advice, I suggest you look into using FOR XML PATH instead of RAW, gives you much better control over the output.

    If you post the DDL (create table) scripts and some sample data as an insert statement we can take it from there.

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