Here’s a very quick post by request.I just had a request for searching the file system for files matching certain criteria such as file age based on the date created. The function Get-FileAgingReport uses get-childitem cmdlet. This function uses two mandatory input parameters Computername and Folder Path.The function is validated for computer connectivity and folder existence. Invalid entries will throw proper message for better handling.
The output can be your powershell console/ISE or you can redirect it to a file.
Valid function call:-
ps:\>Get-FileAgingReport -Computername aqdata18 -FolderFullPath f:\powersql |Out-File c:\FileAge.txt
ps:\>Get-FileAgingReport -Computername aqdata18 -FolderFullPath f:\powersql
Function Call :- Invalid Computername
ps:\>Get-FileAgingReport -Computername dbinst18 -FolderFullPath f:\powersql
Function Call :- Invalid FolderPath
ps:\>Get-FileAgingReport -Computername abcdef -FolderFullPath c:\powers
Function Get-FileAgingReport { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$Computername, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$FolderFullPath) $Object =@() FUNCTION getUNCPath($infile) { $qualifier = Split-Path $infile -qualifier $drive = $qualifier.substring(0,1) $noqualifier = Split-Path $infile -noQualifier “$drive`$$noqualifier” } if (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computername -Count 1 -Quiet)) { Write-Output "Please check Computer -> $computername" [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Please check Computer -> $computername" , "Status" , 4) } else { $UNC=getUNCPath($FolderFullPath) $dir="\\$Computername\$UNC" #verify $Dir exists if (Test-Path $dir) { $now=Get-Date $files=Get-ChildItem -path $dir -recurse | where {($_.GetType()).name -eq "FileInfo"} clear-host #initialize $Total2yr=0 $Total90=0 $Total180=0 $Total1yr=0 $Total30=0 $Total7=0 $TotalCurrent=0 $2yrs=0 $1yr=0 $6mo=0 $3mo=0 $1mo=0 $1wk=0 $current=0 $count=0 $Object1 =@() $Object2 =@() $Object3 =@() $Object4 =@() $Object5 =@() $Object6 =@() $object7=@() foreach ($file in $files) { $age=($now.subtract(($file.LastWriteTime))).days $count=$count+1 Write-Progress -Activity "File Aging Report" ` -status $file.DirectoryName -currentoperation $ switch ($age) { {$age -ge 730} {$2yrs=$2yrs+1;$Total2yr=$Total2Yr+$file.length; $Object1 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -ge 365} {$1yr=$1yr+1;$Total1yr=$Total1Yr+$file.length; $Object2 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -ge 180} {$6mo=$6mo+1;$Total180=$Total180+$file.length; $Object7 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -ge 90} {$3Mo=$3Mo+1;$Total90=$Total90+$file.length; $Object3 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -ge 30} {$1Mo=$1Mo+1;$Total30=$Total30+$file.length; $Object4 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -ge 7} {$1wk=$1wk+1;$Total7=$Total7+$file.length; $Object5 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} {$age -lt 7} {$current=$current+1;$TotalCurrent=$TotalCurrent+$file.Length; $Object6 += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileList = $File.Name.ToUpper(); LastWriteTime=$file.LastWriteTime; DirectoryName = $file.FullName;};break} } } $GrandTotal=$Total2yr+$Total1yr+$total180+$Total90+$Total30+$Total7+$TotalCurrent #format file size totals to MB $GrandTotal="{0:N2}" -f ($GrandTotal/1048576) $Total2yr="{0:N2}" -f ($Total2yr/1048576) $Total90="{0:N2}" -f ($Total90/1048576) $Total180="{0:N2}" -f ($Total180/1048576) $Total1yr="{0:N2}" -f ($Total1yr/1048576) $Total30="{0:N2}" -f ($Total30/1048576) $Total7="{0:N2}" -f ($Total7/1048576) $TotalCurrent="{0:N2}" -f ($TotalCurrent/1048576) $column1 = @{expression="FileList"; width=40; label="FileList"; alignment="left"} $column2 = @{expression="DirectoryName"; width=80; label="DirectoryName"; alignment="left"} $column3 = @{expression="LastWriteTime"; width=30; label="LastWriteTime"; alignment="left"} clear-host "#"*80 "File Age Report" "Generated $(get-date)" "Generated from $(gc env:computername)" "#"*80 Write-output "File Aging for - $dir.ToUpper()" Write-Output "2 years : $2yrs files - $Total2yr MB " #Write-output '2 years:' $2yrs 'files' $Total2yr 'MB' -foregroundcolor "Red" $object1|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "1 year : $1yr files - $Total1yr MB" $object2|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "6months : $6Mo files - $Total180 MB" $object7|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "3 months: $3Mo files - $Total90 MB" $object3|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "1 month: $1mo files - $Total30 MB" $object4|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "1 week: $1wk files - $Total7 MB" $object5|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output "Current: $current files - $TotalCurrent MB" $object6|format-table $column1, $column2, $column3 Write-output `n Write-output "Totals: $count - files : $GrandTotal MB" Write-output `n # $object1+$object12+$object3 |Out-GridView } else { Write-Output "Failed to find : $Dir" [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Failed to find : $Dir" , "Status" , 4) } } }