Insert or replace?

  • I have a table that has 'Description' column and a view that extracts AccountID from a different database. I would like to replace the 'Description' column with the 'AccountID data - Description Data'.

    As an example Description might be '11111 Statement 30 Nov 2016' and the AccountID for the same client is '1000012345' . I want the end result to look like '1000012345 - 11111 Statement 30 Nov 2016'

    I have tried

    update [Document].[dbo].[DOC.Client]

    set [Description] = REPLACE ([Description], [Document].[dbo].[StatementAcNameView].accountid,[description])

    but get the message

    The multi-part identifier "document.dbo.StatementAcNameView.accountid" could not be bound.

    So the question is how do I do this and can I use data from another database to update this database? The only way I can get it to work is to actually enter the actual text for what I want to change and what it changes to and as I have 67,000 records I do not want to do this manually. Any suggestions?:-D

  • I have found a solution

    update c

    set [Description] =

    Replace([Description], [Description] ,(t.accountid + ' - ' + [Description]) )

    FROM [Document].[dbo].[DOC.Client] as c

    inner join [Reporting].[dbo].[Tran] as t

    on t.Id = c.accountindex


  • You don't need the replace function here. Simply set the Description value to your desired value (in this case, accountID + description)

    update c

    set [Description] = t.accountid + ' - ' + [Description]

    FROM [Document].[dbo].[DOC.Client] as c

    inner join [Reporting].[dbo].[Tran] as t on t.Id = c.accountindex

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks John, I will give it a try.:-)

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