How to add days and time for instructor schedule

  • Problem

    I need to make design database(ERD) for displaying schedule for every instructor


    day of course(Saturday or Monday,etc)

    And which time it will give course(period FROM 12 PM TO 03 PM ) .

    And what course it will give(c# or SQL) .


    Instructor martin give course c# in Monday and Saturday for period 12 pm - 03 pm

    And SQL in Sunday and Wednesday for period 12 pm - 03 pm .


    So that i designed the following tables :

    Instructors table (InstractorID,InstractorName)

    Courses table (CourseID,CourseName)

    Instructors_courses table (instcourseID,InstractorID,CourseID)

    And relation between instructors table and Courses table many to many so that I do another table is Instructors_Courses table .

    My questions are

    1- How to represent days and time for every course added

    Can i add table for time and table for days and make relation with

    Instructors_courses table by adding day id and time id (one to many)

    OR do it programming from user interface .

    2- course start date and course end date these two fields how to represent in

    table Instructors_courses table .

    i can added but it will repeated with every course are this correct or what .

  • We don't do your homework... that's your job. the way to test your design is to add a few records to your table and test... did you do that yet?

  • Question, aren't you missing the classroom table? Would have thought that the solution should have classroom provisioning.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (11/4/2016)

    Question, aren't you missing the classroom table? Would have thought that the solution should have classroom provisioning.


    There could be multiple buildings on campus, so the classrooms should probably have a foreign key to buildings.

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