Need some extra set of eyes for this stored procedure.

  • Below is the stored procedure which is supposed to return News Article data based on the parameter criteria provided. One of the filters is that the Article’s Status must be “Published”. I’ve been told that the stored procedure has returned articles with the Status of “Archived”. Can someone please look at the code and tell me? I don't have a way to run this SP because a developer gave me this code to look at and I can't run it because I don't have permission on the system. Any insight is appreciated,

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_NewsArticle]

               -- All parameters are optional

               @CategoryID as varchar(800) = null,

               @KeywordID as varchar(2000) = null,

               @BrandID as varchar(800) = null,

               @Date as varchar(50) = null,

               @IsBreaking as Bit = null,

               @IsSample as Bit = 0



               -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

               -- interfering with SELECT statements.

               SET NOCOUNT ON;


               IF @IsSample = 0



                                       PRINT 'Real Data';


                                       IF @Date IS NULL SET @Date = DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE());


                                       SELECT DISTINCT art.ArticleId,















                                                   dbo.uf_GetDomainByArticle( art.ArticleId )

                                                   + art.CustomUrl as QualifiedArticleURL,

                                                   dbo.uf_GetDomainByArticle( art.ArticleId ) + '/assets/'

                                                   + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), a.SiteId)

                                                   + Replace(a.ToolSectionURL, '\', '/')

                                                   +a.[Filename]                               AS QualifiedImageURL,

                                                   a.AlternateText                              AS ImageAlternateText,

                                                   aut.NAME                                     AS AuthorName,

                                                   aut.Title                                    AS AuthorTitle,

                                                   b.NAME                                       AS AuthorBrand,


                                                               When art.BrightCoveMediaID Is Not Null Then


                                                                           + art.BrightCoveMediaID

                                                               When art.MediaID Is Not Null Then


                                                                           + llm.MediaID + '&channelId=' + llm.ChannelID

                                                                           + '&playerForm=2b84c3101f624f1d9f5857abfc109d52&deepLink=true'

                                                               Else Null

                                                   End AS QualifiedVideoURL,

                                                   b.Name as ArticleBrand,

                                                   dbo.uf_GetKeywordsIDsByArticle(art.ArticleId) ASArticleKeywords          

                                       FROM   NewsArticle art

                                                   LEFT JOIN NewsAuthor aut

                                                               ON art.AuthorId = aut.AuthorId

                                                   LEFT JOIN Asset a

                                                               ON art.MainImageAssetFirstId = a.FirstId

                                                   LEFT JOIN FJM_LimelightMedia llm

                                                               ON art.MediaID = llm.MediaID

                                                   LEFT JOIN Brand b

                                                               ON aut.BrandId = b.BrandId

                                                   LEFT JOIN NewsArticleKeyword nak

                                                               ON art.ArticleId = nak.ArticleId

                                                   LEFT JOIN Keyword k

                                                               ON nak.KeywordId = k.KeywordId

                                       WHERE  art.DisplayMode = 'H'

                                                   AND art.[Status] = 'Published'

                                                   AND ( @KeywordID IS NULL

                                                               OR nak.KeywordId IN ( SELECT Item FROM uf_DelimitedSplit8K ( @KeywordID, ',' )) )

                                                   AND art.PostDate BETWEEN @Date AND GETDATE()

                                                   AND ( @IsBreaking IS NULL

                                                               OR art.IsSpotlight = @IsBreaking )

                                                   AND art.SiteId = 1

                                                   ORDER BY art.PostDate DESC       





                                       PRINT 'Sample Data';


                                       IF @Date IS NULL SET @Date = DATEADD(year, -1, GETDATE());


                                       SELECT DISTINCT TOP 10 art.ArticleId,
















                                       + art.CustomUrl as QualifiedArticleURL,


                                       + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), a.SiteId)

                                       + Replace(a.ToolSectionURL, '\', '/')

                                       +a.[Filename]                               AS QualifiedImageURL,

                                       a.AlternateText                              AS ImageAlternateText,

                                       aut.NAME                                     AS AuthorName,

                                       aut.Title                                    AS AuthorTitle,

                                       b.NAME                                       ASAuthorBrand,


                                                   When art.BrightCoveMediaID Is Not Null Then


                                                               + art.BrightCoveMediaID

                                                   When art.MediaID Is Not Null Then


                                                               + llm.MediaID + '&channelId=' + llm.ChannelID

                                                               + '&playerForm=2b84c3101f624f1d9f5857abfc109d52&deepLink=true'

                                                   Else Null

                                       End AS QualifiedVideoURL,

                                       b.Name as ArticleBrand,

                                       dbo.uf_GetKeywordsIDsByArticle(art.ArticleId) ASArticleKeywords          

                           FROM   NewsArticle art

                                       LEFT JOIN NewsAuthor aut

                                                   ON art.AuthorId = aut.AuthorId

                                       LEFT JOIN Asset a

                                                   ON art.MainImageAssetFirstId = a.FirstId

                                       LEFT JOIN FJM_LimelightMedia llm

                                                   ON art.MediaID = llm.MediaID

                                       LEFT JOIN Brand b

                                                   ON aut.BrandId = b.BrandId

                                       LEFT JOIN NewsArticleKeyword nak

                                                   ON art.ArticleId = nak.ArticleId

                                       LEFT JOIN Keyword k

                                                   ON nak.KeywordId = k.KeywordId

                           WHERE  art.DisplayMode = 'H'

                                       AND art.[Status] = 'Published'

                                       AND ( @KeywordID IS NULL

                                                   OR nak.KeywordId IN ( SELECT Item FROM uf_DelimitedSplit8K ( @KeywordID, ',' )) )

                                       AND art.PostDate BETWEEN DATEADD(year, -1, @Date) AND@Date                

                                       AND ( @IsBreaking IS NULL

                                                   ORart.IsSpotlight = @IsBreaking )

                                       AND art.SiteId = 1

                                       ORDER BY art.PostDate DESC                                                       




  • You have two queries here and both have "AND art.[Status] = 'Published'" hard coded into the WHERE clause. AND... That is the same status being referenced in both SELECT lists.

    So, the next question is this... Are the complainers seeing the word "Archived " in the output? OR are they simply seeing articles that they think should be in an Archived status?
    As a betting man, my money is on the later...

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