Multi Statement Valued Table Function

  • Hi,

    How do I spot a Multi Statement Valued Table Function.

    Also the same for an In-Line Valued Table Function.

    How do I tell if Multi is being used in my database what are the characteristics that determine that it is MSVTF.


  • Multi-statement table valued functions can be found in sys.objects with type = 'TF':

    SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) + '.' + name

    FROM sys.objects

    WHERE type = 'TF'

    Inline table valued functions have type = 'IF'

    SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) + '.' + name

    FROM sys.objects

    WHERE type = 'IF'

    It's really hard to tell whether the function is used or not. You could look in the dependencies to spot usage in other procedures or functions or in the plan cache to spot usage from ad-hoc statements.

    Multi-statement functions are those that return a table variable (@someTableName).

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • If the function starts with the definition of a table like this:

    ...RETURNS @somename TABLE


    Then it's a multi-statement table valued function. You can read more about the three kinds of functions in the documentation.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Here is one way of doing this, the output is self-explanatory, uses the OBJECTPROPERTY function and the sys.sql_expression_dependencies view.


    -- EE Quick Static Code Analysis


    SM.object_id AS O_ID

    ,OBJECT_NAME(SM.object_id) AS O_NAME

    ,LEN(SM.definition) - (LEN(REPLACE(SM.definition,NCHAR(10),N''))) AS O_NUMBER_OF_LINES


    ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies SD

    WHERE SD.referencing_id = SM.object_id

    AND SD.referenced_database_name IS NULL)AS O_INTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES

    ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies SD

    WHERE SD.referencing_id = SM.object_id

    AND SD.referenced_database_name IS NOT NULL)AS O_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES

    ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies SD

    WHERE SD.referenced_id = SM.object_id)AS O_DEPENDENTS

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsInlineFunction')AS O_IsInlineFunction

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsProcedure')AS O_IsProcedure

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsScalarFunction')AS O_IsScalarFunction

    ,ISNULL(OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsSchemaBound'),0) AS O_IsSchemaBound

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsTableFunction')AS O_IsTableFunction

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsTrigger')AS O_IsTrigger

    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(SM.object_id,'IsView')AS O_IsView

    FROM sys.all_sql_modules SM

    WHERE SM.object_id > 0



  • Thanks All.

    Much Appreciated!!!

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