Moving data files to a different LUN or drive

  • I need to move several database files to a different LUN, same server of course. I know what's the process and TSQL, but I am trying to construct same statement for several clients via dynamic SQL and I am having some issues with two of the four steps. This is what I have so far:


    -Take the databases with the mdfs that I will move offline

    -Update the mdf path location via TSQL (metadata change)

    -Move the actual mdf files to the new LUN (or copy?) . This is done at Os level and via batch file or powershell.

    -Take the databases online.



    Order should be:

    1)Change metadata

    2)Put client offline

    3)Move data file at Os level

    4)Put client online.


    --This is step #2

    DECLARE @total int, @id int, @sql nvarchar(MAX);

    DECLARE @dbname varchar(200);

    DECLARE @t table(ID int not null identity(1,1), name varchar(255));

    INSERT INTO @t(name)

    SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name IN ('MyDatabase1','MyDatabase2')

    ORDER BY name;

    SET @total = @@ROWCOUNT;

    SET @id=1;

    WHILE @id <= @total


    SELECT @dbname = name FROM @t WHERE ID = @id

    SET @sql =




    PRINT @sql

    --EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql

    --,N'@dbname varchar(200)'


    SET @id = @id + 1



    --This is step #3

    --EXEC xp_cmdshell 'COPY ''D:\MSSQL\DATA\'' ''C:\NewLocation\TestDB.mdf'''


    --This is step #4

    DECLARE @total int, @id int, @sql nvarchar(MAX);

    DECLARE @dbname varchar(200);

    DECLARE @t table(ID int not null identity(1,1), name varchar(255));

    INSERT INTO @t(name)

    SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name IN ('MyDatabase1','MyDatabase2')

    ORDER BY name;

    SET @total = @@ROWCOUNT;

    SET @id=1;

    WHILE @id <= @total


    SELECT @dbname = name FROM @t WHERE ID = @id

    SET @sql =


    ALTER DATABASE [' + @dbname + '] SET ONLINE;


    PRINT @sql

    --EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql

    --,N'@dbname varchar(200)'


    SET @id = @id + 1



    what would be code to dynamically construct the TSQL that will change the file location via ALTER DATABASE? And the one for moving the files at Os level? I guess I need to "inject" the names for the move part but don't know how.

  • Looks like you're getting there. Check out these queries! And as always, test the heck out of your work in a development environment! Don't forget databases that might have multiple files!

    select * from sys.databases

    select * from sys.master_files

  • To concatenate multiple rows into one row, with one example result (for use with sys.master_files) being

    MOVE 'MyDataFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\ThisNewFolder\MyNewFile.mdf', MOVE 'MyLogFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\ThisOtherNewFolder\MyNewLogFile.ldf'

    search for "for xml path stuff concatenate"

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