Iterate through list and fill column

  • hi,
    i need some help with iterating through a list and checking its running total against a parameter. see example below:

    as you can see above there are currently 10 items in the basket already, and the max number of items is 20.  
    the orders come in and the first one will fit as there are 8.  the running total in basket is now 18.  that means i have space for 2 items.
    orders 2, 3, 4 will not fit.
    order 5 can as that order has 1 item.  running total is 19.  1 item left.
    and so on. 
    Until it hits 20, the remaining is zero.  Therefore i can use this list and filter out WHERE [Fit?] = 1.

    SELECT *
     INTO #TestTable
       (1, 8)

  • Hi
    This is how I would iterate through the list

    select * , cast( 0 as bit) as fit , cast(0 as int) as runningcheck , ROW_NUMBER() over (order by orders) as rn into #testtable2

    from #testtable

    declare @maxorder as int = 20
    declare @runningcheck as int = 10
    declare @i int = 1
    declare @rn_max int = (Select max(rn) from #testtable2)

    while @i <= @rn_max
    set @runningcheck = @runningcheck + (select items from #testtable2 where rn = @i )

       if @runningcheck <= @maxorder 
     set fit =
     ,runningcheck = @runningcheck
     from #testtable2 t where rn = @i

    set @runningcheck = (select max(runningcheck) from #testtable2)
     set @i = @i +

  • By defining a recursive cte this problem can be solved.
    First define an anchor row for the cte where orders=1.
    I go on to define 3 new columns
    1. "balance" to tell me how much is left if there is a fitting criteria, which is 10-items>0,
    2. "used" to tell how much has been used basically 10 + items if there is a fittment
    3. "fitting" flag to indicate if there is a successful match (ie the balance fits with the items)

    After that the second part of the cte ie the portion after UNION ALL is createdby linking it with the next order
    ie (ON a.orders1 + 1 = b.orders)

    WITH base_table
      AS (SELECT *
       FROM (VALUES (1,8),
            (10,1) )v (orders, items)),
      cte(orders1, items1, balance1, used1, fitting1)
      AS (SELECT a.orders AS orders, /* This is the starting row for the recursive cte*/
          a.items AS items,
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN 10 - a.items > 0 THEN 10 - a.items
             ELSE 10
            END ) AS INT)   AS balance, /* Balance is defined as 10-the items if the items is less than 10 else it is kept as is*/
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN 10 - a.items > 0 THEN 10 + a.items
             ELSE 10
            END ) AS INT)   AS used, /* The used field tells how much has been matched after 10 elecments */
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN 10 - a.items > 0 THEN 'Y'
             ELSE 'N'
            END ) AS VARCHAR(1)) AS fitting /* This flag indicates if there the value is under 10 and a successful match was obtained*/
        FROM base_table a
       WHERE a.orders = 1 /* We start with the first order*/
       UNION ALL
       SELECT b.orders,
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN a.balance1 - b.items >= 0 THEN
             a.balance1 - b.items
             ELSE a.balance1
            END ) AS INT),
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN a.balance1 - b.items >= 0 THEN a.used1 + b.items
             ELSE a.used1
            END ) AS INT),
          Cast(( CASE
             WHEN a.balance1 - b.items >= 0 THEN 'Y'
             ELSE 'N'
            END ) AS VARCHAR(1))
       FROM cte a
       JOIN base_table b
        ON a.orders1 + 1 = b.orders /* Get the next order from the previous one(anchorOrder + 1 = nextOrder)*/
    SELECT *
    FROM cte

  • Choose WHERE fitting='Y' to get the records which have been matched successfully

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