Policy Management

  • Is there a way to have a policy based on 2 conditions with different facets.  I was attempting to change the Last backup policy to exclude certain databases.  The Last backup belongs top 'Database maintenance' and the database name to 'Database'.  I am not seeing how to include the 2 in 1 policy.

  • jamesforest - Wednesday, October 4, 2017 10:26 AM

    Is there a way to have a policy based on 2 conditions with different facets.  I was attempting to change the Last backup policy to exclude certain databases.  The Last backup belongs top 'Database maintenance' and the database name to 'Database'.  I am not seeing how to include the 2 in 1 policy.

    Try using the database facet instead as it has both properties @Name and @LastBackupDate.
    Create your new policy. Use Database Facet. Create a new condition using @LastBackupDate and whatever you are doing for the check on the date.
    In the drop down for the targets, scroll down to where you create a new condition, use Database Facet and then use the @Name property to exclude whatever database.


  • Couldn't get it to work that way but  it headed me but down the right road.  Specified a new condition using database facet in the 'Against targets' and the existing SafeLastBackupDate in the check condition. I now get customized alerts for DBs without backup for x days.  Thanks for the second eyes

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