Creating a DBA Oncall list to email to group.

  • I'm looking for suggestions on creating a table with a list of DBA's and then a Job that will weekly send out a list of people who are on call for that week.

    I have tried googling multiple phrasings with utter failure in searching. I swear I have seen something like what I'm looking for but it eludes me for now.


    For the week of August 18th through August 24

    DBA OnCall

    Name Phone Number Email

    Bob Smith 555.555.1234

  • I want to automate this information to be emailed to a group, to allow for DBA's to swap Schedules. Just looking for some ideas for creating this in TSQL/SP and running as a job.

  • randy.moodispaugh (7/19/2016)

    I want to automate this information to be emailed to a group, to allow for DBA's to swap Schedules. Just looking for some ideas for creating this in TSQL/SP and running as a job.

    Have you looked at the documentation for sp_Send_DBMail, especially the @Query argument? Just like Ragu spaghetti sauce, "It's in there". 😀

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Yes, I'm good with the DB Mail. I'm just playing through the different kinds of logic I would need to create an automated rotation of the DBA On Call list. Thanks for the input and if you have any ideas on the logic let me know.

  • randy.moodispaugh (7/20/2016)

    Yes, I'm good with the DB Mail. I'm just playing through the different kinds of logic I would need to create an automated rotation of the DBA On Call list. Thanks for the input and if you have any ideas on the logic let me know.

    would help if you gave us a few more details how many dba's are there, how many on call at a time, are they always on call for a week, when does your week start...yadda yadda

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Which aspect of this do you need advice on?

    Create a table to contain one row for each DBA along with their contact details and what days of week / hours they are on call.

    Create a job with a schedule that runs once per day, week, etc. depending on required frequency of notifications.

    Add a job step that queries the table to build up email message and then calls stored procedure to send out email.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (7/20/2016)

    Which aspect of this do you need advice on?

    Create a table to contain one row for each DBA along with their contact details and what days of week / hours they are on call.

    Create a job with a schedule that runs once per day, week, etc. depending on required frequency of notifications.

    Add a job step that queries the table to build up email message and then calls stored procedure to send out email.

    I would also like to suggest that you build a front end application to handle any changes to the on-call rotation. Even if it's a simple one. I've built many slick solutions in SQL but when they only 'live' in SQL they become your full time responsibility. But hey, on-call rotations would never change right? :w00t:

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Eric has the all steps defined.

    If you need help with concatenating the email addresses into a single string, check out Wayne Sheffield's article at Just use the semicolon instead of the comma for building a single email address list.

  • There is an existing operator, schedule, notification framework for use by SQL Agent and SQL Alerts, and you may be able to leverage these existing tables. What you're wanting to do can (or should) be stacked on top of this. For example, operators (DBAs) are contained in MSDB.DBO.SYSOPERATORS.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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