Static Port conflicts

  • I have a cluster with 4 nodes. Each node has two instancesinstalled one for dev and one for preprod. I am changing the names of instancesand ag groups for security purposes but here is the description of how theylook like.

    Each instance has an AG group created with a listener. Sototally 2 AG Groups on two instances.

    Each instance has a static port and listener gets its ownport. Lets call the servers following


    Server\Instance –instance static port - AgGroupName – AGListener,portnumber

    Server1\PreProd – 1111 – AGGroup1 – AGPreProd, 3333

    Server2\PreProd – 1111 – AGGroup1 – AGPreProd, 3333

    Server3\PreProd – 1111 – AGGroup1 – AGPreProd, 3333

    Server4 PreProd – 1111 – AGGroup1 – AGPreProd, 3333


    Server1\Dev – 2222 – AGGroup2 – AGDev, 4444

    Server2\ Dev – 2222 – AGGroup2 – AGDev, 4444

    Server3\ Dev – 2222 – AGGroup2 – AGDev, 4444

    Server4\ Dev – 2222 – AGGroup2 – AGDev, 4444


    My understanding is that we can login into each primary node with the listener name and port number

    For example, to login to my preprod server I use AGPreProd,3333

    Similarly into my dev server with AGDev,4444


    I tried logging into my servers with the listenername and I didn’t remember the port number so I put one of the static ports randomly and it worked. So it works for me when I use AGPreProd,2222 and AGPreProd,1111. Similarly when I use AGDev,1111 and AGDev,2222.

    What am I missing here? What is the significance of a static port number when it doesn’t offer security against what ag listener is logging into what server. My understand was that static ports can only be used with the server names but here it is working with a random AG Listener name.


    What is the cause? How can I see a database in a completelydifferent instance and ag group by using the current AGListner and port numberof that different instance?


  • the listener is just separate computername with another IP address stacked on the servers NIC, on a server that owns the listener cluster resources the IP will respond as if its the machine, because it actually is.
    It's not a security feature and i cant think why you think it is, the listener just directs traffic to a specified place, security is taken care of by the process on the end
    Why don't you use port 1433 for your listeners then you wont have to specify the name, port


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks, Perry! I understand what the listener functionality is. My only question is that I am able to login through listener with a different port number that it has no relationship with. How is it possible?


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