Change all server name synonyms

  • Hello

    I work on SQL server migration.

    My DB are now on a server "CONTOSO" and in my DB i have more Synonyms with Server name to "CONTOSO"

    I backuped my DB from my old server CONTOSO and i restore on a new server, "TOTO\UNISQLP1"

    But, i need a script to modify all synonyms parameter Server name "CONTOSO" to "TOTO\UNISQLP1"

    It's possible ? i have more synonyms

    Thank you sorry for my english

  • sure.
    this scripts out the synonyms exactly as is, so I simply added a replace on the definition to change the whichever synonyms had a base_object_name that contains 'CONTOSO' to have the new value.

    make sure you do not have any synonym that referencean object containing CONTOSO, though.

    DECLARE @vbCrLf varchar(2);
    SET @vbCrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10);
    SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS SchemaName, NAME AS SynonymName,

    'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.synonyms WHERE SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) = ''' + SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + ''' AND name = '''
            + name
            + ''''
            + ' AND base_object_name <> ''' + base_object_name + ''')'
            + @vbCrLf
            + ' DROP SYNONYM ' + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name) + ''
            + @vbCrLf
            + @vbCrLf
            +'IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.synonyms WHERE name = '''
            + name
            + ''')'
            + @vbCrLf
            --+ 'CREATE SYNONYM ' + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name) + ' FOR ' + base_object_name +';'
            + 'CREATE SYNONYM ' + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name) + ' FOR ' + REPLACE(base_object_name,'CONTOSO','TOTO\UNISQLP1') +';'
            from sys.synonyms;


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  • Hello Lowell

    Thank you very much for your reply !

    It's work ! Great

    Thank you

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