Create a table from 2 different tables.

  • I need to create a table from 2 different tables but I am running into issues where 1 table has more columns than the other table. Is it even possible?
    select * into ContactAddressTest
    from (SELECT [Company Title]
      ,[Company Id]
      ,[Company PMG Pin]
      ,[Company Rbit Id]
      ,[Company Net Sales]
      ,[Company Headquarters]
      ,[Company Truck Lots]
      ,[Company related Business Tags]
      ,[Company Email]
      ,[Company Website]
      ,[Company Legacy Operation]
      ,[Company Commodity]
      ,[Company About Us]
      ,[Company Phone and Fax]
      ,[Company Address Line 1]
      ,[Company Address Line 2]
      ,[Company State]
      ,[Company Country]
      ,[Company City]
      ,[Company Postal Code]
      ,[Contact Id]
    FROM [Company]
    SELECT [Contact Name]
      ,[Contact Id]
      ,[Contact Email]
      ,[Contact Fax Number]
      ,[Contact Fax Extension]
      ,[Contact First Name]
      ,[Contact Job Title]
      ,[Contact Last Name]
      ,[Contact Middle Name]
      ,[Contact Mobile Number]
      ,[Contact Phone Number]
      ,[Contact Phone Number Extension]
      ,[Contact Rbit Id]
      ,[Company Id]
      ,[Column 15]
    FROM [Contact]
    ) n

  • Yes, but you'll need to supply NULL values for the columns that don't exist. So, in simple terms:
    WITH AllData AS (
      SELECT Title, Firstname, Surname,
       CAST(NULL AS date) as DateOfBirth, --DateOfBirth does not exist in Customer Table. CAST so that SQL knows the data type
       AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, CAST(NULL AS varchar(50)) AS AddressLine4, --AddressLine4 does not exist in Customer Table. CAST so that SQL knows the data type
      FROM Customer
      SELECT NULL AS Title, FirstName, Surname, --Title does not exist in Client Table. No need to CAST, as data type derived from above SELECT statement.
       AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4,
      FROM Client)
    SELECT *
    INTO YourNewTable
    FROM AllData;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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