Change Null value to 0 in Dynamic pivoted query

  • I have the following SPROC which is used inside another procedure

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AverageDemographicGroupAnswer]

    @GroupNumber int,
    @SurveyNumber int,
    @Demographic int



    DECLARE @CompanyName nvarchar(100)

        @CompanyName = CompanyName
        SurveyNumber = @SurveyNumber

    DECLARE @Temp table(
    PNUM int,
    DemAnswer int,
    ResponseText varchar(200),
    tid int identity

    INSERT @Temp    
        SELECT A.PNum, A.Answer, '' FROM Answers A WHERE A.QuestionID = @Demographic
        DECLARE @Start int, @Stop int, @Answer int, @response varchar(200)
        SET @Start = 1
        SELECT @Stop = Count(*) + 1 FROM @Temp
    WHILE @Start < @Stop    
            SELECT @Answer = DemAnswer FROM @Temp WHERE tid = @Start
            SELECT @Response = REsponseTExt FROM SurveyResponses WHERE QuestionID = @Demographic AND Sequence = @Answer
            UPDATE @Temp SET REsponseText = @response WHERE tid = @Start

            SET @Start = @Start + 1

    Qid int,
    QuestionText nvarchar(400),
    Answer int,
    DemAnswer int,
    ResponseText varchar(200),
    tid int identity
    INSERT @Temp2
        SELECT Q.QuestionID, Q.QuestionText, Cast(A.Answer as int), T.DemAnswer, T.ResponseText
        FROM SurveyQuestions Q INNER JOIN dbo.Answers A ON Q.QuestionID = A.QuestionID INNER JOIN @Temp T ON A.PNum = T.PNUM
        WHERE Q.Qtype = 1 and GroupNumber = @GroupNumber AND Q.SurveyNumber = @SurveyNumber AND A.PNum IN (SELECT PNum FROM dbo.Participants WHERE SurveyNumber = @SurveyNumber)

    SELECT REPLACE(QuestionText,'#Company#',@CompanyName) AS QuestionText, ResponseText, Cast(AVG(CAST(Answer as decimal(38,4))) as Decimal(38,2)) AS AverageAnswer FROM @Temp2 GROUP BY QuestionText, Qid, ResponseText, DemAnswer ORDER BY Qid desc, DemAnswer

    This produces the following data

    The query to pivot the data

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PivotedDemographicGroupAverage]

    @GroupID int,
    @Survey int,
    @Demographic int



        QuestionText varchar(400),
        ResponseText varchar(200),
        AverageAnswer float
    INSERT #Data
        EXECUTE AverageDemographicGroupAnswer @GroupID, @Survey, @Demographic

    --SELECT * FROM #Data
    DECLARE @Cols varchar(max)
    SET @Cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(ResponseText,'[]') FROM dbo.SurveyResponses WHERE QuestionID = @Demographic ORDER BY [Sequence] FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')
    --SELECT @Cols
    SET @PivotQuery = 'SELECT QuestionText, '+ @Cols +' FROM
            SELECT QuestionText, ResponseText, AverageAnswer FROM #Data
        ( MAX(AverageAnswer) FOR ResponseText in (' + @Cols + ')
    --select @PivotQuery

    DROP TABLE #Data

    which  produces

    I need to replace the NULL  with 0   but not sure how to do so in this instance.

  • It's possible to do it with PIVOT, but you need 2 different variables for your columns. Instead, I recommend you to use cross tabs which can give better performance. You should be cautious when using QUOTENAME(). In strings larger than 128 characters, the function will return a NULL.

    DECLARE @Cols varchar(max)
    SET @Cols = (SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN ResponseText = ' + QUOTENAME(ResponseText,'''') + ' THEN AverageAnswer ELSE 0 END) AS ' + QUOTENAME(ResponseText)
           FROM dbo.SurveyResponses
           WHERE QuestionID = @Demographic
           ORDER BY [Sequence] FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    --SELECT @Cols
    SET @PivotQuery = 'SELECT QuestionText '+ @Cols +'
    FROM #Data
    GROUP BY QuestionText'

    --select @PivotQuery

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank You!!

  • mjohnson 71479 - Monday, July 24, 2017 10:15 AM

    Thank You!!

    You're welcome.
    Do you understand how this works?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I believe so.  The CASE statement says if there is no value to enter 0

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