SPID trace from Activity monitor

  • Hello,

    I have a long running SPID on a database. It's from a script of many SQLs all glued together in one bundle.

    The activity monitor shows "Create Index" in the SQL command column.

    When doing a SQL trace on that SPID I am getting only this (below) and not showing the full SQL part it's running now. I want to know which Index stage it's stuck on. There are so many in the script that it will take some time to drill down to that table/index.

    Any thoughts/help please?

    Thank you,


    -- network protocol: TCP/IP

    set quoted_identifier on

    set arithabort on

    set numeric_roundabort off

    set ansi_warnings on

    set ansi_padding on

    set ansi_nulls on

    set concat_null_yields_null on

    set cursor_close_on_commit off

    set implicit_transactions off

    set language us_english

    set dateformat mdy

    set datefirst 7

    set transaction isolation level read committed

  • Something like this?SELECT



    FROM sys.dm_exec_connections c

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(c.most_recent_sql_handle) t


  • Thank you John for that.

    But that shows the whole of the SQL script from start to end. Which I can get the same from the file itself.

    I thought the trace is meant to show what part of the SQL it's running at the current moment. But instead it's only sowing the network protocol line.



  • Vin

    This might work. It should if you're running a statement(s) that doesn't already have a cached plan. I'm not sure what will happen if you're running one that does. (Credit to this site[/url] for the SUBSTRING part that pulls out the correct part of the query text.)

    WITH SessionData AS (






    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.session_id ORDER BY s.statement_start_offset DESC) AS RowNo

    FROM sys.dm_exec_connections c

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(c.most_recent_sql_handle) t

    JOIN sys.dm_exec_query_stats s ON c.most_recent_sql_handle = s.sql_handle








    CASE statement_end_offset


    ELSE statement_end_offset


    - statement_start_offset)/2)+1


    FROM SessionData

    WHERE RowNo = 1


  • John,

    It kind of worked, although it came close to the part of the script which was being run or about completed.

    Much better than showing the whole script.

    By the time I pinpointed down to the actual table being inserted, the script completed.

    So it's a beautiful script which can show closer to action SQL.

    Credit to you and ref. link you posted.

    many thanks,


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