Separate rows depend on Previous Row

  • I have table with data like the below :

    ID Name  Category_Sort
    1 Campaign1  Beverage
    2 Campaign2  Beverage
    3 Campaign3  Food

    I need to select with separate depend on cateory_sort column for example

    Beverage ,  Food,  beverage

    and soon if i have more rows

  • Your requirement is not clear.
    Please help us understand by providing DDL, and sample data in the form of INSERT statements.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Phil beat me to it. We need more/better sample data and clearer expected results.  Something like this for the sample data:

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE (id int, [name] varchar(100), category_sort varchar(100));
    INSERT @yourtable VALUES

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • the below working find with three rows :
    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(30), Category_Sort varchar(30)); Insert into @test-2 values(1,'Campaign1','Beverage') ,(2,'Campaign2','Beverage') ,(3,'Campaign3','Food') ;with mycte as (Select *, row_number() Over(Partition by Category_Sort Order by ID ) rn from @test-2)Select ID,Name,Category_Sort from mycteOrder by rn,ID

    but if i add more rows with same values will duplicate :

    if i do like the below will return twice food

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(30),  Category_Sort varchar(30)); 
    Insert into @test-2 values
    ;with mycte as (
    Select *, row_number() Over(Partition by  Category_Sort Order by  ID )  rn from @test-2)

    Select ID,Name,Category_Sort from mycte
    Order by  rn,ID

  • ikrami2000 - Friday, July 14, 2017 10:36 AM

    the below working find with three rows :
    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(30), Category_Sort varchar(30)); Insert into @test-2 values(1,'Campaign1','Beverage') ,(2,'Campaign2','Beverage') ,(3,'Campaign3','Food') ;with mycte as (Select *, row_number() Over(Partition by Category_Sort Order by ID ) rn from @test-2)Select ID,Name,Category_Sort from mycteOrder by rn,ID

    but if i add more rows with same values will duplicate :

    if i do like the below will return twice food

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(30),  Category_Sort varchar(30)); 
    Insert into @test-2 values
    ;with mycte as (
    Select *, row_number() Over(Partition by  Category_Sort Order by  ID )  rn from @test-2)

    Select ID,Name,Category_Sort from mycte
    Order by  rn,ID

    Does adding this to your code give you the desired results? 
    WHERE RN = 1

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • return two records :

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food

  • ikrami2000 - Friday, July 14, 2017 10:46 AM

    return two records :

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food

    what results are you expecting?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • 1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

    so result to be depend on category, and can not be duplicated by previous or next row, until no other choice

  • ikrami2000 - Friday, July 14, 2017 11:18 AM

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

    so result to be depend on category, and can not be duplicated by previous or next row, until no other choice

    What is the logic for generating Campaign5 and Campaign6, as they do not exist in your source data?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • i need to get the data depend on Category (Food,beverage, hot drinks,....)
    but to be not duplicated for example if i have first row Beverage so when i select second row it must be another category like'Food' and third row if there is no other category i will select Food,  but if there is beverage so will select it and so on, i am not concern about Campaign5 or 6 it is just column but i want the condition depend on Category (food, beverage,....)  like the below

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

  • ikrami2000 - Friday, July 14, 2017 11:34 AM

    i need to get the data depend on Category (Food,beverage, hot drinks,....)
    but to be not duplicated for example if i have first row Beverage so when i select second row it must be another category like'Food' and third row if there is no other category i will select Food,  but if there is beverage so will select it and so on, i am not concern about Campaign5 or 6 it is just column but i want the condition depend on Category (food, beverage,....)  like the below

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

    If you are not prepared to make your sample data match your desired results, nor to explain transformation and ordering rules using terms which I can understand, I will have to leave others to help you.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • ikrami2000 - Friday, July 14, 2017 11:34 AM

    i need to get the data depend on Category (Food,beverage, hot drinks,....)
    but to be not duplicated for example if i have first row Beverage so when i select second row it must be another category like'Food' and third row if there is no other category i will select Food,  but if there is beverage so will select it and so on, i am not concern about Campaign5 or 6 it is just column but i want the condition depend on Category (food, beverage,....)  like the below

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

    Something like this perhaps? 

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE (id int, [name] varchar(100), category_sort varchar(100));
    INSERT @yourtable VALUES
    (4, 'Campaign4','Food'),
    (5, 'Campaign5','Food'),
    (6, 'Campaign6','Beverage');

    WITH x AS
    SELECT *, rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY category_sort ORDER BY id)
    FROM @yourtable
    SELECT id, name, category_sort
    FROM x
    ORDER BY rn, category_sort;


    id    name    category_sort
    1    Campaign1   Beverage
    3    Campaign3   Food
    2    Campaign2   Beverage
    4    Campaign4   Food
    6    Campaign6   Beverage
    5    Campaign5   Food

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Would you please test with this data :

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    4    Campaign4    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Hot Drinks
    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    7    Campaign7    Marketing

    With your code it will return :

    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    5    Campaign5    Hot Drinks
    7    Campaign7    Marketing
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Beverage

    if you see Beverage in last two records , it must not come twice so the record for one of beverage must be between for example "Hot Drinks" and "Marketing"

  • As others have indicated multiple times, it would be much more helpful if you could post sample data the way we have in our posts, and actually explain the business logic more clearly.

    That way we can start testing queries against it relatively painlessly. If you force us to create the sample data from raw text, that barrier will discourage many helpful folks from even trying.


    EDIT: I did get a bit curious. So, is the ONLY requirement that no category_sort appear consecutively (as much as is possible), or are there further requirements around the desired sort?

  • Ok, May be i need to add more details, the below is the code which have the data:

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE (id int, [name] varchar(100), category_sort varchar(100));
    INSERT @yourtable VALUES
    (1, 'Campaign1','Beverage'),
    (2, 'Campaign2','Beverage'),
    (3, 'Campaign3','Food'),
    (4, 'Campaign4','Beverage'),
    (5, 'Campaign5','Hot Drinks'),
    (6, 'Campaign6','Advertizing'),
    (7, 'Campaign7','Marketing');

    WITH x AS
    SELECT *, rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY category_sort ORDER BY id)
    FROM @yourtable
    SELECT id, name, category_sort
    FROM x
    ORDER BY rn, category_sort;

    Now when i run the above code it is return :

    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    5    Campaign5    Hot Drinks
    7    Campaign7    Marketing
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Beverage

    But actually what i need is :

    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    5    Campaign5    Hot Drinks
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    7    Campaign7    Marketing
    4    Campaign4    Beverage

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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