June 20, 2017 at 9:20 am
Hi all,
I have an object, $Report, with 5 properties. Its an Array of datarows, returned from an SQL Query.
The columns are as follows: FirstCol, SecondCol, ThirdCol, FourthCol, FifthCol
When i do a get-member -membertype property, they are returned in alphabetical order.
I can deal with this IFF there is a way to select from the array in that order, OR there is a way to list the members in the order returned from the query, OR I can determine the column index of a particular column.
The goal here is to be able to run any query against n servers and dump the results into a single table on another server, without needing to know the column names and their data types.
I have the table creation part handled, it's just the ordering of the column in the create or the ordering of the columns in the select.
Hopefully this is clear enough.
$Query1 is generated dynamically:$Query1 = "INSERT tmp_results VALUES ($_.cFiscal, $_.nActivities, $_.nCalls, $_.nNodeType_Id, $_.nNode_Id)"
I'm expecting variable substitution to occur here, but $Report | %{$Query = "$Query1"; $objDB.ExecuteNonQuery($Query)}
generates this call to SQL Server: INSERT tmp_results VALUES (.cFiscal, .nActivities, .nCalls, .nNodeType_Id, .nNode_Id)
and,$Query1 = 'INSERT tmp_results VALUES ($($_.cFiscal), $($_.nActivities), $($_.nCalls), $($_.nNodeType_Id), $($_.nNode_Id))'
$Report1 | %{$Query = "$Query1"; $objDB.ExecuteNonQuery($Query)}
results in INSERT tmp_results VALUES ($($_.cFiscal), $($_.nActivities), $($_.nCalls), $($_.nNodeType_Id), $($_.nNode_Id))
June 21, 2017 at 6:58 am
Solution: need to get the column info from the DataSet.Tables object.
$Data = $objDB.ExecuteWithResults($Query)
# This gets the columns in order
$Data.tables[0].columns | sort -Property ordinal | select ordinal, ColumnName, DataType
# This gets the data
$ReportData = $Data.tables[0]
I don't quite understand why the columns property doesn't go to the $ReportData object, but there you have it.
However, now that I can create the table in SQL Server with the columns in correct order, I can pass the results to the Write-DataTable cmdlet.
June 21, 2017 at 7:34 am
See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/comments/4eylez/converting_sql_data_types_to_system_data_types/
Which nicely wraps things up!
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